Dalaric ♡♡

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Author: ARKHNN

Genre/Trope: Assassin; Bad boy/Good girl; Interracial; Cute-Sweet

Status: Complete

|  S U M M A R Y  |

Dalaric "Ricky" Mikael was known for two things; being the country's best assassin and being a silent brute.

His demons enveloped him in darkness and he saw no light at the end of any tunnel.

Until a girl, who's weird and wears nothing but a pair of black jeans and t-shirts that are too big for her, called him pretty.

Until a girl, who's weird and wears nothing but a pair of black jeans and t-shirts that are too big for her, called him pretty

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|  R E V I E W  |

Guys, "Dalaric" is a must-read! Hands down one of the perfect and one of the bests books out there! A definite page-turner with a beautiful, fascinating and heartfelt story ♡ If you loved "Lilah," then you would love and enjoy this too. They are kind of similar in some areas, and they are both an excellent read. The moment I finished the story, I can't even explain how I feel — I'm honestly awestruck along with these lingering feelings. I feel so emotionally attached, and I was like a goner after I've seen the ending.

Utterly. Completely. Downright. Amazing! E for E V E R Y T H I N G~

Must read, guys.

It's impossible to dislike these two, Dalaric and Mayella. They are so precious, adorable, and downright loveable UwU. I've had many sleepless nights again because of their story - even shed tears at the beautiful ending. Mayella is a strong female lead and Dalaric is equally the same who supports her and vice-versa. I don't feel their story was dragging, but instead was enjoying the slow burn. Their interaction and relationship were so progressive. Their character growth is even more satisfying that I cried for them! I am in awe of these two and their story. Mayella is so precious whereas Dalaric is such a doting lover that I can see the bars are getting higher again. I think I was about to get diabetes for the sweetness overload this couple showed into my eyes lol like those "boop" moments especially when Dalaric initiated it first -gosh &gt;_<

I am so grateful to the author for sharing this masterpiece. Furthermore, I appreciate how it focuses on communication between this pair as they also fall in love with each other, and showed what a healthy relationship truly is. There is mainly joy between them, all for positive vibes as they communicate or interact. I also love so much the fact that it showed the true meaning of forgiveness. Forgive, but don't forget. Forgive, but it's okay as well to not accept the person.

That aside, this book is so intricate that it addresses all the societal issues existing in our time, and thumbs up for mentioning mental health disorders. It taught how it's okay to seek treatment for mental health and that there is nothing to be ashamed of, at all, if one is doing therapy or stuff, something one should put the importance of instead, especially when one is determined to get healed or better. I appreciate the part of raising awareness poured in here - it was so relatable, honestly like I was also suffering from depression. Kudos to the author for the spectacular job of portraying mentioned mental disorders and raising awareness of the importance of seeking treatment.

I applaud the author for sharing this book. It is everything. I love everything about it. From characters and characterization, plot, storyline, full of form and substance, development, to writing style -the work is meaningful indeed. I didn't even notice I was already at the end if it weren't for the title that said 'epilogue'... I was that addicted. I totally couldn't get enough of it. I wish I can see more of Mayella and Dalaric, to be honest. I hope their story is endless lol. Sigh. My words aren't enough to describe how much I feel about this book, even if they already counted to hundreds and hundreds.

Utterly. Completely. Absolutely. Wonderful!

Important stuff needs to be said thrice. This book is a must-read! ♡ I heartily recommend you check this out and give it a chance!

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Happy readings ♡

Sleepless NightsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora