30. The Weddings

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The corridors echoed with the sound for her anklets, as Sunaina tried in vain to strap them around her feet. 'Ah...c'mon don't trouble me today.' Sunaina yelled frustrated, as the silver metal refused to cooperate. Why would it? She was the one trying to put on anklets while walking. Terror griped her heart as she felt herself losing balance. 'Didi!' Chandrabhaga screamed before running across the marble floor, catching hold of her sister before she could fall flat on her face. 'Oh gosh! Woman, are you crazy?' Sunaina's eyes drifted in the direction of the voice, only to spot her worried and currently-running-towards-her husband. A groan slipped from her lips followed by a few words of anxiety. 'Why are you all stressing about me when there is so much work to do? See, the curtains are not straight. The flower strings are upside down. The rangolis have not been made. And the sweets..

'Goodness! Stop' Janak cut her in between, placing his palm at his ears.

Sunaina narrowed her eyes at him, the flames of anger behind her brown orbs had everyone gulping in fear.


Chandrabhaga cut her off placing her hand on her shoulder. 'Didi, we are putting all the possible efforts. And trust me everything will be fine.'

Sunaina said nothing, her mind multitasking, her heart restless. How could people be so relaxed,? IT WAS THEIR DAUGHTER'S (mind you all four) MARRIAGE!! 'You should go and check on the girls, see if they are ready or not? I mean, decorations are all secondary. Let's give the brides some priority.' Janak tried diverting her mind.

Chandrabhaga nodded aggressively as a few tears formed in her eyes. Sunaina looked holding back as she walked towards their room.

Their daughter. Mithila kumari. Princess of Videha. Soon to be Raghuvansh kulvadhu.

Before any of that, their little angles.

All grown up, ready to get married? Ready to leave their home forever? Sunaina wondered how they will look.

'Oh goodness!' Shatrughan exclaimed in horror seconds before fainting on spot. Which was fake ofcourse, he rose to his feet the next moment. 'Dear twinnie, I know you lack brain cell but see it's not that difficult.'

The younger Saumitra snapped his fingers in front of the elder one, earning a glare from him. 'Now pay attention. It's quite simple, you just need to grasp the concept.' Lakshman looked ready to kill him and everyone else, which he always did, but this time he was more ready✨. Can't blame him, he had one younger sibling who he could fuss over and order around. But no, Shatrughan had to be that absolute spoiled brat and treat him like shit. On top of that he had the audacity to tutor HIM, his elder brother.

Well, Lakshman did admit there were some topics....all completely useless and stupid tho...that his twin knew better about. You know, dressing up, impressing your partner, romance, all the stuff he might need to know about on his wedding day. Lakshman signed, sitting before Shatrughan...sorry Professor Shatrughan. There was no harm in getting some extra knowledge right? With Shatrughan there is no telling.
(Unlike his very much beloved partner, Professor Shatrughan doesn't believe in Love equation.)

'You see this jewellery is called an armlet. Arm-let! You know cause it goes around the arm. It's not an elbowlet now is it?'

Shatrughan pointed out as Lakshman glanced at his elbow, where the 'elbowlet' hung loose. He looked away immediately, deciding it was unimportant.

'Is that what this all is about? Armlet, elbowlet, jewellery who cares? God, you are such a drama queen.'

'We all know that, we grew up with his man, remember?' Ram entered the room in all his glory..or maybe for today all his beauty.

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