5. Kaikeyi Nanadan ki Kushadhwajnandini

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It had been wonderful day. Everything went well for the lunch. Janak and everyone else were gonna return till tomorrow. Along with Maharaj Dashrath as they had met on their way. The girls were sitting in their chamber.. thinking about today's events. That's when a dasi comes in.

Dasi- Pranaam. I was asked to deliver this letter to rajkumari Mandavi.

Mandavi- Who's letter is it?

Dasi- I am not supposed to reveal the sender's name. It's all written in the letter. I am also asked to tell you to read this letter in private. That's all I know.

Mandavi- But what is this-

Urmila- Mandavi di! *talking to dasi* You may leave.

Mandavi- Urmi! Why did you send her. Read it in private... unknown sender. Don't you find all this a bit suspicious.

Urmila- Areee di. You are worring for no reason. There is nothing like that in the letter.

Sita- Seems like you already know who send this and what is written in it.

Urmila- Yeah..um..I mean no. I just have a really good feeling about this.

Shrutkirti- Open it Mandavi di. I am dying to know.

Urmila- Kirti! It's a private letter.

Mandavi- What are you saying. No secrets between sisters. Remember. I hope you aren't hiding anything from us.

Urmila- No no. Not at all. *to herself* I hate lying to my sisters. But it's for their good only. If I speak anything now it will ruin our plan.i will say sorry later when she finds out.

Mandavi opens the letter and reads-

Dear Mandavi,
I hope you don't mind me calling you 'dear'. I know it's been years since we met for the first time. Don't know if you even remember me or not. But I can't help but think about you. There has been so much confusion and we didn't even get a chance to talk. I wanna clear things between us once and for all. Then rest is your choice. I shall respect your decision no matter what it is. So pls just for the sake of my heart..come meet me tonight in the garden behind your palace.
With lots of love,
You know who

Sita- Mandavi do you know this person. If someone is threatening you if tell us.

Mandavi- I do know this person. I met him at an art fair years ago.

Shrutkirti- I remember you talked about him a lot.

Urmila- I think this isn't a threat but a love letter.

Mandavi- Oh pls Urmi stop all this.

Sita- *lifts Mandavi's blushing face* is it true?

Shrutkirti- I also think so. Mandavi di always talked about him the way Urmi di talks about Laksh bhaiya.

Urmila- *full Mahakali mode* WHAT THE HELL!?? First of all i never talk about that rude arrogant idiot. And also you guys

Sita- For god's sake Urmi! Kirti was just trying to explain the matter to me.

Urmila- Look! I am not angry on any of you but pls. Never associate my name with that frustrating creature. I repeat NEVER!

Mandavi- Oh dear sis! What can any of us do when Kamadev himself has associated your name with him.

Urmila- *red face..but not only with anger* It's better if we focus on the letter.

Mandavi- So what do you guys think?

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