27. A Friendly Fiasco

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Before you read pls note that Aquaphobia, Hydrophobia and Aquagenic urticaria are three different things. Pls don't get confused.

Hydrophobia- The irrational fear of water where if someone offers you a glass of water you are like- AHHH! Sign of rabies.

Aquaphobia- The rational fear of water where you have no problem taking a bath but you are scared to go swimming.

Aquagenic urticaria- The allergy to water where you aren't scared of drinking water but your body is so it like has rashes and stuff after coming in contact with water.

Here, Bharat has Aquaphobia. He doesn't have any disease or allergy. Thank you for your time pls proceed with your reading.

'That was Bharat's voice right?' Sita asked, her voice timid and uneasy as she corrected the folds of her Sari.

Ram didn't bother to answer her question or he didn't hear in the first place, perhaps. His mind was already buzzing with questions like- Why god why? Why did you give me such dumb brothers who can't stand a peaceful normal day in a river? Ram was shaken out of his thoughts as he bumped into a hard muscular chest. Ram felt no need to look up to face him, for he knew it was Shatrughan who equally worried. There was no time for sorry and bumping session.

Bharat needed him.

Bharat needed them.

They had to hurry.

Urmila and Shrutkirti had also joined them after having packed some ropes and tubes. Who knows? Better safe than sorry.

As they reached the boat's entrance, they noticed that Lakshman was already there, looking like a lost puppy. Given the 'adventures' they faced daily, Ram had expected anything and everything except this. A confused looking Lakshman was a rare sight indeed.

'What happened, Laksh? If you pulled another prank on Bharat, I swear to god-'

'Nothing like that Bhaiya' Lakshman continued to look around the area hoping that Bharat and Mandavi were playing hide and seek. 'I was sitting around the entrance area only so I came as fast as I could. But Bharat and Mandavi are nowhere to be seen.'

'You don't know where they are? Tell me you are joking.' Ram said while panting heavily.

'I am not. I didn't see them-

'I did.'

Ram turned around at the sound of the voice, affirmative and informative. His oceanic blue orbs meet the brown ones of the boatman who hands were still busy pushing the boat forward. 'You are talking about the tall princess and the crimson prince, right?'

'Yes.' Ram said, his tone that of urgency. 'My brother about this tall, till my shoulders and white face with red cheeks. And my sister, the one with sleek ponytail and multi-layer lehenga.'

'Ah right.' The man began as if he had all the time in the world. 'I just saw them jump into river, the boy right after the girl.'

'What?' Lakshman's eyes widened to the size of a tennis ball. 'So two people from your boat jumped into the the river and you just sat there like Ah, chill dude that's completely fine.'

'Lakshman.' Ram hissed pulling him back. 'Not now.'

Sita started biting her lip and mumbling things to herself. The words coming out her mouth made no sense, didn't even form sentences. Shatrughan visibly paled and stood numb for a second before a scream escaped his mouth. Shrutkirti had somehow managed to be a bit rational and was with Shatrughan, trying to pat the pain away. Although Urmila was not in a good condition herself, she decided to comfort Sita. One thing She could make sense out of whatever Sita was blabbering was something about Bharat being Aquaphobic. Was that true? If it was why would the Aquaphobic willingly jump into the river?

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