17. Birthday Boy Bharat!

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Even at the early hours of dawn...some sunlight had managed to sneak their way inside the tents for the Raghukul boys. It didn't seemed to bother Bharat at all..he was still sleeping peacefully...lost in his dreamland. Occasionally, his face broke into a wide grin...Heck! It must be a wonderful dream. So wonderful that it compelled the second prince of Ayodhya to continue his sweet slumber till late morning. All his brothers woke and did their daily Surya namaskar...and he was still sleeping. All of them freshen up and came to poke a finger at his sleeping form...but he continued to sink into an even deeper slumber. They had their breakfast....and he was still sleeping like a baby. Ok now that was enough. Someone had to wake him up...and it happened to be his grumbling stomach.

Bharat stretched his fingers and let out a huge yawn. He blinked his eyes..once..twice and many more times. As if he was trying to let the reality sink in. He was still smiling because of his ultra fabulous dream. But he could get up an overexcited Lakshman jumped on top of him. 'Happy Birthday Bharta Bhaiya' he cried with such enthusiasm as if he wanted the entire world to hear him. Oh! Lakshman was always excited on birthdays, be it anyone's. He would plan the gifts in advance and jump around the entire day like a young rabbit.

Bharat- Oh ho, Lakhan! What is this? We are not kids anymore for you to jump on my bed, okay. Calm down a bit.

Lakshman- Calm down? It's your birthday and I know it. This is so exciting...and you are all like calm down..huh.

Bharat- Well atleast let me get up?

Lakshman detached himself from his elder brother and offered him a hand. But as soon as Bharta was up on his feet, Laksh once again started repeating his birthday wishes and engulfed him in a tight hug...resulting in both of them falling back on the bed. Now that's weird...yes Lakshman gets a lot overexcited on birthdays but not this excited. Not even on Ram Bhaiya's birthday. What was so special? Unable to contain his curiosity Bharat voiced out his question to which Laksh just smirked in response.

Lakshman- Well, it's not only your birthday but I remember that your birthday.

Bharat- *reality struck him* Ohh...what are you talking about? And why are you getting so excited for my birthday...which is..two months away.

Lakshman- *smirks even more* Well I fear this belongs to you.

Bharat- Hey that's my dairy. Laksh no. Give it back. You will not read it, you understand. Its bad to read someone's dairy. Give it back now.

Lakshman- Hah. Too Late. *sing song voice*
Dear dairy,

I am so happy that no one remembers my birthday. Like I see no presents. And Shatru is spoiling the surprise by blabbering it all to me in excitement. It can mean only one thing. That they all forget my birthday. Thank God! I have been waiting for this day since-

Bharat- Lakshman! What the hell!

Lakshman- Well. Your plan is ruined cause I remember your birthday.

Bharat- Shut up! You don't remember it. You just read my dairy and figured it out. You cheat.

Lakshman- Now I will go and remind everyone and before you even step out if the bathroom...all your presents will be ready.

Bharat- No. No no no Laksh. You won't do that. You won't spoil my plan I say. You don't remember anything and you will certainly not tell anyone.

Lakshman- But why Bhaiya? As far as I know..forgotten birthdays is a bad thing. Why do you want everyone to forget your birthday?

Bharat- *sign* Well remember when everyone forget your and Shatru's birthday. And then we were all guilty so Maa Kaikeyi said that as a punishment we will have to obey whatever you both said for a whole week.

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