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Lizzi woke up to the sound of her penthouse door shutting. Groggily, she walked into the kitchen to find a note and a cinnamon bun.

The note read:


went to pick up some food, will be back soon.

your favorite person, Jax

Lizzi smiled and went to turn on the TV and eat her cinnamon bun. Her eyes widened as she turned on the news. "Large robotic object walking through the city! No one knows where it came from, but it is stepping on cars and whatever it can reach. And, what was that? It appears as though some electrically charged being is fighting the robot!" Lizzi frowned as she twirled her fingers around, and her magic wove in and out. This robot was by the grocery store Jax went to! Lizzi stopped doodling and picked up her phone and called Jax. No answer. Now slightly panicking, an odd thought ran through her head. Why do I have these powers if I never use them to help the world? Lizzi pushed this thought out of her head and started pacing. The TV continued to blare. "And this mysterious being, already dubbed 'Phasma' has saved the city!" Lizzi sighed with relief as the reporter lady confirmed there were no deaths, and no one was physically harmed at all.

 Once Jax got back, Lizzi jumped up and hugged him. When they pulled away, she noticed the large, fresh looking cuts on his face and hands. "Why do you have all these cuts?" Lizzi asked, since the news lady had said no one was physically harmed. Jax avoided the question and put the groceries away. "So, what do you want to do today?" Lizzi, still thinking something was being kept from her, made a mental note to read his mind later. She did so after he fell asleep. She looked at his memories from earlier, and she couldn't believe what she found.

Hehehehehe first cliffhanger. I'm evil 😈😈

Xoxo Liv

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