"Are you sure about that, Jake? I don't want you to do things for us but end up regretting things" Sunghoon told him while Niki and Jay casually celebrated beside him.

"Yeah. When I say that I really wanted to help you, I mean it. I'll help, but only for this one" Jake answered , which just made Sunghoon sigh deeply in his seat.

Their eye contact then was cut off when Niki happily jumped toward him. "Hyung, thank you so much. I promise to buy you Homerun balls or whatever you wanted without price restriction when the mission ends" Niki told him and gave him an embrace, making him giggle in his place.

"Alright, alright. I'll be anticipating that" Jake just answered before Sunoo spoke.

"How about me? I wanted to help too" Sunoo said, gaining all of their attention.

"We only need one member, Sunoo hyung. Besides, we don't want to bring you much hassle" Jungwon told him.

"Yeah, right. You are not going anywhere" Niki said and crossed his arms on his chest as he sat beside Jake when he was already done embracing Jake.

"But that's unfair. All of you have something to do and you are leaving me here?" Sunoo said and snorted, as if he was deeply hurt.

"Oh, right. I wanna give you a role too" Niki said and turned his head to Sunoo. "How about guarding the house? You make sure that no one enters while we are outside" Niki said with a suggestive voice, as if it was the greatest idea that he has thought which just made Sunoo roll his eyes.

"Shut up. I want to do something too. Please let me be in your mission" Sunoo pleaded and looked at Niki. "What is your role?" he asked.

"I'll be handling the drinks and serving as a bartender, why are you asking?" Niki told him which made the older beam.

"Well, I can help you with that. You want me to poison him--" Sunoo's words then got cut off when a Yang Jungwon that was shaking his head entered the scene.

Well, Sunoo can really do that if he wants to. I mean, he's a witch after all, and his speciality is all about potions, magics that have something to do with changing something or someone with just a drink.

But don't worry, he promised himself that he would not harm anyone in the land by his magic.

"No no no. There will be no guns, no killings and no poisons this time. Especially you two, Sunghoon and Jay hyung. We'll not hurt anyone this time. Just steal the diamonds and that's all" Jungwon announces, making Sunghoon and Jay avoid eye contact when their names are mentioned.

"Fine. But I'm still helping Niki with the counter. I promise to help and not put a burden on you, guys. My instinct is good, trust me on this" Sunoo said with pleading eyes. Well, he's right. As I told you before, witches' instincts are really exceptional.

Niki then just took a deep sigh. He knows that Sunoo will keep insisting until they let him. "Okay, fine, in one condition. You'll be staying in the counter and the counter only with me. Don't go anywhere so that I can protect you when something bad happens" Niki said.

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