(Futa Boss X Male Reader) Yes Ma'am

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Hey guys!

This one is a special treat for you all.

I hated the original version of this story. So I threw it out and completely rewrote it.

So this one isn't a repost but a brand new chapter!

WARNING: ⚠️ This chapter does contain: You! - That's right, this is a self insert futa x male reader chapter!

Read at your own risk.

Please enjoy!

I know I did!


You poured milk into the coffee, giving it a quick stir before popping on the lid.

"Here you go, Ma'am," you say, handing it out to the lady on the other side of the counter. She takes it, thanking you before turning and leaving.

You've been working at this small coffee shop for a few weeks now. You feel fortunate to be working here. The pay was okay, and overall the shop was usually really slow. The Starbucks down the street seemed to take all the business. Honestly, you were surprised your boss was able to keep this place afloat.

The bell by the door chimed. "Welcome!" You started your usual greeting, but looking up, you see your boss and the owner of the coffee shop coming in through the door. "Oh! Miss Helena! How are you?"

Miss Helena was a tall, voluptuous woman with a bubbly personality and very easy on the eyes. To be honest, she was your favorite reason for working here. You enjoyed working for her, and it showed with how much overtime you always put in.

"I'm good. Supposedly the mail people had issues with the packages. So I just had to pick them up myself." She huffed, walking behind the counter. "Thanks again for covering for me at the last minute. I really appreciated it." Miss Helena placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving you a warm smile.

"Y-you're welcome." you blushed, looking back at her. Her hand softly drifted across your back as she walked past you, heading to her office, a furnished room in the back of the store.

Miss Helena had this sexy mature woman charm about her. She was always so sweet and affectionate to you that you couldn't help but have a crush on her. You were thrilled by the fact that she was back.

"How many customers have we had today?" She asked, calling out from her office as she organized stuff.

"15 or 16, I think?" You responded, looking over the receipts.

She shrugged, stepping back through the doorway. "Not too bad." She grabbed an apron like the one you were wearing. "Thanks again for coming in today. I can take it from here, so you can head out and enjoy your fourth of July."

"Um, actually, if you want," you started, "I could stick around and help out." You honestly didn't mind. You liked the idea of hanging around the coffee shop with Miss Helena.

"Really!? You wouldn't mind?" She says, pausing putting on the apron.

You smile, "Not at all, plus there's only an hour or two before we close anyways. Not to mention, I don't have any plans today." You said that last part a little quieter, not wanting to sound too pathetic.

Miss Helena chuckled. "Well, that makes two of us." She gives you another warm smile before playfully tossing the apron back into the drawer she took it from.

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