Me: What is the reason you told them why you are holding a party?

Nezu: The fact no one failed the test and they need a rest too.

Me: And they believed you.

Nezu: Not really but no one questions me.

Me: I see.

Just like that Nezu began to lead me towards the teacher's office and I could see everyone being there. Every single teacher and then I saw something red.

Me: I see you already made a move.

Nezu: Og course, I did. Since All Might was supposed to teach here in the school, I needed a replacement.

Me: You blackmailed the hero commission to get him here or something?

Nezu: That is the worrying part. I did no such thing. They came to me asking to take him in as a replacement.

Me: So they are either after us or they are wary about you.

Nezu: Most likely the second option.

Me: I will be careful around him.

Nezu: Yes. He might not look like it but he has a bright mind despite every dumb joke and behavior he displays.

Me: He is after all their best pawn, isn't he?

Nezu: Yes, he is.

It was a warning and a gift send by the hero commission. I was sure that they knew that something might be up with Nezu but having Hawks here was indeed helping me. Thinking of how to approach the number 3 hero, I didn't realize him coming over to me. More like he just came from behind me while I was searching for Dabi. From the looks of it, only the teachers, Hawks and me were invited. I thought that Dabi might as well be here since we were a family but it didn't look like that.

Anubis: HISSSSS!

I heard Anubis hiss and felt him jump off my shoulder, before I turned around and saw him attacking Hawks and covering his wings in ice.

Me: Anubis, stop it!

It was a good opportunity there but also one of the worst situations to introduce oneself. Once I told Anubis to stop, he stopped. Hawks then used a feather to remove the ferret from his wing and bring it to me.

Hawks: Yours I believe.

Me: Sorry for that.

Hawks: No problem kid, I sneaked up on you after all. He just protected you.

Me: Yeah.

I had Anubis in my hands and began patting my little buddy.

Hawks: I thought this is a teacher only party.

Me: Could say the same for you, since you are not a teacher yet.

Hawks: Touche!

Me: I am Izuku Midoriya, Nezu's private Student for now.

Hawks: Oh so Nezu has a private student.

Me: Yep. I would ask you for your name but you are probably not allowed to tell me that so Hawks it is.

Hawks: Yep. Say how old are you? 13-14?

Me: Too young to attend the school officially if you want to know that.

Hawks: Why are you then here?

Me: Well, I am the adoptive son of Ersaerhead and Present Mic. They saved my life when no one wanted to look at me and gave up on something useless like me.

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