How to tell someone you have a new hero killer friend!

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It was the next day after Nezu got lost and I went to search for him and got lost myself. Although he doesn't want to admit it, he got definitely lost.

Thankfully my dads and my brother didn't find out about the black market and Nezu was not dumb enough to tell them that. It had its advantages associating with the most intelligent being on earth. However sometimes I swear he was no such thing but dumb as hell.

Since I was Nezu's private student, there was no need for Aizawa and Mic to even question anything we do. They already knew that it would be A) Crazy and B) Chaotic no matter what we do. No one in their right mind would be Nezu's private student for this specific reason but it was fun being his student and I was sure I didn't understand the role of a private student at all.

Not like I needed to know as we were only planning world domination in our time together. Today was the day we the number 1 hero would fall. The light will be eliminated and the society will fall into the darkness.

However, before we do that, I still needed to get a pet for my brother. Aizawa had a cat, Mic had a cockatoo and I had a ferret. Each of our animals were not only our support animals but they were also there for us no matter what.

Me: Nezu, where did you get Anubis?

Nezu: Huh? Why the sudden question?

Me: Well I wanted to get a pet for Dabi.

Nezu: I see but it won't be fitting to get a pet for him where I got Anubis from.

Me: Why? It's a pet shop, right?

Nezu: Yes... just a normal pet shop.

The way he pronounced the world normal made me wary.

Me: It's not a normal pet shop is it?

Nezu: No.

Me: No wonder he had a quirk.

Nezu: Well I was specifically searching for a pet with a quirk for you since you yourself doesn't have a quirk. Anubis here is not only a friend but also a bodyguard of some sort.

Anubis: *happy ferret noises*

Nezu: He is also happy to be with you.

Me: Aww Anubis, you are soo sweet!

Nezu: Now back to the topic. You want to get Dabi a pet?

Me: Yes and returning to the question, where did you get Anubis if not from a normal pet shop?

Nezu: Oh I was just searching over the Dark Web for a pet shop that would have a pet with a quirk and came over this address in the black market.

Me: So it's a pet shop from the black market?

Nezu: Yes.

Me: Don't let Dadzawa find that out.

Nezu: Don't worry. I already eliminated any information about that. No one can backtrack were I found him.

Me: Good to hear that.

Nezu: Now if you want a pet then how about a dog?

Me: I was thinking of a snake.

Nezu: Ahh, I will send someone to buy a snake for you.

Me: How about a cobra?

Nezu: Fine by me.

Me: Cool.

Nezu: How about I get the pet till tomorrow.

Me: Didn't you say you will be having someone do that?

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