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Annalise a butterfly made of a quiet cocoon and sunrise braids; Annalise with bunny-rabbit feet and puppy-dog daydreams; Annalise an apple-slice smell that makes fingers sticky; Annalise with odd-fitting shoes that make heels blister.

Bubble-gum happiness plumps her magnolia-blossom cheeks as she hugs her animals no one can see and sings with her caramel-sweet voice to friends no one can hear.

Safety for Annalise is found in sailboat skies spilling honey sunshine; safety is found when the carousel in the wind invites her to dance; safety holds balloons filled with grassy perfume and hosts tea parties encircled by willowy curtains and lives in sunflower houses that smile. Cicada wind chimes lull the air to sleep as stars float above and around un-mowed lawns.

The stars protect Annalise from the bulldog.

The sweaty-haired bulldog with corn-colored teeth that mommy brought home. He barks bad dreams and bites with a leather belt. To pet him is to burn your tongue on hot chocolate. 

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