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adjective ~ making little or no noise


I looked around the cabin as I sat with a frown. I kept my arms around myself as the claustrophobia tried to make its way into my brain. The walls were made of thin wooden mismatched planks, the roof made of dried grass. It stank of stale air but at least it was nice to sit in a chair. Albeit a plastic one.


I turned to look at greasy spitball who was staring downs some papers, pen in hand. I didn't know I was signing up for the army.

"Name pup!" He growled, eyes darting to look at me. "You dare look me in the eye?"

I shivered but held my ground. I was a Luna, I was strong. I was capable of fighting my own battles. I could do this.

I hope.

He slammed his hand on the table which made me wince, breaking the eye contact. He grumbled but turned back to the paperwork. Right, my name.

"Hope James," I spoke.

I watched as he scribbled my name down with a sneer, writing something about my appearance too. He looked up to study me, his eyes raking over my neck and shoulders making me shiver. Thank goodness I still wore the large t-shirt from training.

"Status?" He grunted after writing a clear UNMARKED on the page.

"Omega." I frowned.


I hesitated, not wanting to reveal the pack name. But I was part of them as much as I could be. Besides, it would probably do me a favour with the twins...

I sighed. "Blood Moon."

He hummed in amusement. "Two Blood Moon in one hunt. Seems Alpha Titan needs to watch his borders more."

I frowned, my defences raising for my mate. "His borders are fine. If you hadn't used the poor baby-"

I was cut off as an incredible force slammed against my jaw and I fell off the chair to the ground. The wooden floor ached against my palms and cheek as I lay there. Tears spring to my eyes at the pain, memories of my old pack surfacing with vengeance.

"Do not speak to me like that you filthy Omega!" He snarled.

I nodded my head rapidly and backed myself against the wall. He was fuming at my disrespect. His eyes were obsidian, practically burning holes through my brain.

"Get her up." He snapped.

The guard silently hoisted me up by my shoulder and I allowed him to push me back into the chair. I crossed my arms over my body and avoided looking at anyone.

"Pray tell, do you have mate Omega?" He mused.

I shook my head. "N-no."

He hummed. "No? Such a weak little thing in a pack like Blood Moon is rather strange. Last I heard they didn't take on Omegas."

I winced when he spat chewing tobacco onto the floor beside me, a laugh escaping his lips. I took in a deep breath as I shook my head.

"I-I was a potential."

"Potential what?" He grumbled.


He paused before bursting into laughter, even the guard joined in. My eyes snapped to his as he scrawled sentences onto the bottom of my page. He signed at the bottom before flicking my piece of paper to the side.


I frowned but made my way out of the cabin. I caught Miley's gaze and she grimaced at the rapid swelling of my jaw. I gave her a soft smile before I was forced to stand with the group of women.

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