Chapter seventeen

Start from the beginning

I rolled with my eyes, but got a little nervous. Even though I hated lying to my friend, I also promised Mia I wouldn't tell anybody. Keeping my promise was more important to me this time, so I twisted the truth a little bit.

"Of course I was busy with the dance. You're gonna have the time of your life tonight and that's all because I'm such a good party planner," I said laughing.

"I know you are, but still it feels like something is going on between you and Mia," Alex said.

Shit, what was I going to say. Even if I wanted to lie, I was a terrible liar.

"Mia was upset after the whole spinning the bottle fiasco, as you might have noticed."

Alex laughed and said:

"We all noticed."

"So the last months I have been trying to make it up to her. I had told her I had feelings for her, but that I understood that she didn't feel the same way about me."

Alex's smile grew bigger and bigger.

"So you do have a crush on her!"

I rolled my eyes, again.

"Of course I have, she is literally drop dead gorgeous or are you blind?! Anyways, we're meeting each other at the dance and going together as friends."

Was this lying? Not really, right? I mean, I hadn't told him the entire truth, but what I had told him was true.

Alex laughed.

"You're right, she is cute. But you're not so bad yourself either," he winked.

"Thanks, I think?"

Alex put his arm around me and pulled me against him.

"I just meant that you're also very pretty, maybe even more than Mia. So unless she isn't into girls, you definitely have a shot."

Little did he know...

"Thank you, that's sweet," I said.

I looked at the time and saw that we only had two hours left to get to the dance.

Two hours may seem like a lot, but we had to get my hair and make up done and get some food in our mouths. Oh and of course, Alex had to look presentable as well.

I jumped of the couch and said:

"We gotta get ready if we want you to impress someone tonight."

This time it was Alex's turn to roll his eyes.

"I'm not really trying to impress some random girls tonight, so that's one less problem," he looked at the time, "But you're right, we do have to start getting you ready if you ever want a shot with Mia."

What could I say to this?

Maybe I should try to convince him that Mia wasn't into girls.

But before I could think about it, Alex took my hand and led me upstairs so we could get ready.

An hour and a half and some struggles later, we were ready to go. I was wearing a dark blue suit and I must say, I felt like a goddess. Alex wore a black trouser with a wite shirt, pretty basic I know but he looked very handsome in it.

Alex had helped me curl my hair and put some makeup on my face. He did a really good job with it and I was pretty happy about the way that I looked. Mia would definitely be impressed.

"Okay we have half an hour to get some food inside of us before we have to leave, do you have some suggestions?" I asked Alex when we were on our way downstairs.

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