"So I can cook dinner then?", Harry asked, hiding his face in Draco's chest.

"I suppose so. But I want to help."

"Perfect, because you didn't have a choice."

"Git", Draco replied teasingly, rolling his eyes. "Are you ready for lunch?"

"Are we eating inside or on the beach?"

"Wherever you want."

"DId you pack sunscreen?", Harry asked abruptly.

"I think so, why?"

"Because I'm worried about your skin burning. You're so pale."

"Thank you for your concern Potter, but I'll be fine."

"Nuh uh. No way. We'll have lunch inside. Every time a pale person says they don't need sunscreen they end up burnt and complaining the whole time. You're hot enough without your skin physically being on fire."

"Thank you, I think?"

"Let's eat. We can finally unpack after that, and then go on the beach. Does that work with whatever you have planned?"

"It does. I have something for you after lunch though. I was supposed to give it to you at yours, but it completely slipped my mind because I didn't want to miss the sunrise. I have a series of small presents to give to you."

"I take it protesting will get me nowhere?"

"Just in the ocean", Draco replied with a smirk.

"Off to lunch we go then Prince. After I put my contacts back in."

Draco was anxious all throughout lunch, and Harry had no clue why.

"Draco, calm down will you? You could give me a seashell and I would love it. Whatever it is that's bothering you isn't worth the stress, I promise. I'm a very amicable person."

"I know. It's just... things."

"Ah yes... things. Quite terrible really."

Draco smiled half-heartedly.

"Talk to me Draco. If it bothers you it's not silly. You're completely valid."

"I'm just worried about you seeing my scars I suppose. I know you won't think lesser of me for them, but I don't want you to be upset because of them. Because of how they happened."

"I want you to do whatever is comfortable for you, okay? If you don't want me to look at you, then I won't. It's up to you. You said they faded some right? Like mine have?"

"Yes. I just don't want things to be awkward or feel off because it's your birthday."

"I just want you to be comfortable in your own skin sweetheart. We can swim at night instead if you want. I'll let you think on it while I do the dishes, then take inventory of what's in the fridge", Harry said as he got up.

"There's a list for you on the counter."

"Thank you Prince", Harry replied, kissing Draco on the cheek before heading out of the room.

Draco was torn. Merlin how he wanted Harry to look at him. He wanted Harry to want him like he wanted Harry.

"Fuck it", Draco thought.

He went upstairs and grabbed the bathing suit he had packed for himself and changed into it. He threw on one of Harry's sleeveless shirts, and grabbed the sunscreen with a roll of his eyes. The small package he had wrapped neatly for Harry was also grabbed. Placing his sunglasses on top of his head, he met Harry on the staircase.

Ghosts  ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt