How to tell someone you have a new hero killer friend!

Start from the beginning

Nezu: Did I?

Me: No pet of the black market!

Nezu: Ah yes. He has already a very powerful fire quirk after all. That was however not what I was thinking.

Me: What else then?

Nezu: I wanted to get you another ferret.

Me: I don't know if Dadzawa will allow that and besides I have Anubis! I am happy with him. I don't need another partner!


Nezu: I see you won't even let me do that.


Nezu: I got the message the first time.

Anubis: *GRRRRR*

Nezu: I promise.

Me: Now, shall we move on to the good news?

Nezu: Let me quickly get us some more tea.

Me: Sure.

With that I watched Nezu get us some more tea and put a fresh lemon slice in mine. It was a nice green tea this time. I liked to have my tea with a fruity flavor that's why I liked to add a slice of lemon into it if it was not a fruit tea or a wild berry tea to begin with.

Nezu: We have already discussed this but let's make sure we got everything planned out perfectly once more time, shall we?

Me: Yes.

Time skip brought to you by Izuku and Nezu making a solid plan for Stain

Nezu: Looks like we planned everything.

Me: Then I will be telling Stain the rest.

Nezu: I will be having the number 1 villain; I mean the number 1 hero ready.

Me: They will be able to backtrack your phone call.

Nezu: Not if I use this!

Nezu pulled out a prepaid handy and showed it to me.

Nezu: I plan on driving to the opposite end of the city to call him there.

Me: I see.

*Knock* *Knock*

Me: Looks like we will have company.

Nezu: No. Our time is simply over.

Me: What?!! Already? Time sure flies by when you plan world domination.

Nezu: It does. Now get ready, this should be Dabi.

Me: Kay.

I immediately went to grab my bag and let Anubis climb up on my shoulder. While I did that Nezu went to the door and opened it.

Dabi: Izu, you ready?

Me: Yep!

Dabi: Thanks for looking after my little brother.

Nezu: The pleasure is all mine!

Me: See ya tomorrow! Bye!

Anubis: *ferret noises*

Dabi: Goodbye!

Nezu: Bye!

After that we left the UA property and headed home. It was rare for us to walk home but this time, both Mic and Aizawa had something to do in their agencies they were in.

Dabi: So what do we do for diner?

Me: Hmmm... How about Pasta?

Dabi: I don't know if we have the ingredients for this.

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