Secret Identity Time

Start from the beginning

"Aw dammit. I attacked you with everything I had. You're slipperier than I thought. Clearly." Kayano says with a small smirk. Korosensei finally stands up, smudges of dirt covering him.

"Kaede..! What is the meaning of this?" Korosensei growls.

"Oh yeah, sorry. FYI, my real name isn't Kaede. I'm Aguri Yukimura's little sister." She says, her eyes devoid of the light they usually possess. Aguri Yukimura? Wasn't that our old teachers name? She only taught us for a couple of weeks before Korosensei showed up. "You get it now, don't you? Murderer."

"Wait... Yukimura?" Hara asks confusedly before she gasps in realization. Looking at her now, she looks like a different person. An expression of cruelty such as that doesn't work well for her.

"Oh well. No point crying over spilt milk. I'll just have to reset. Let's give it another whirl tomorrow, Korosensei. Don't worry, I'll tell you where. Now that we've fought tentacle to tentacle, I'm feeling pretty good about this. Like I can kill you." The girl says, loosening her tie. Then she moves her tentacles over and behind Korosensei before using them to maneuver herself away and off into the distance. We stare at her, our mouths agape until she disappears from our view. What... just happened?

"It's unthinkable. If she grew those tentacles without a maintenance regiment, the pain would've been beyond hellish. There's no way she could've powered through it, not with a straight face." Itona says in disbelief at what he just witnessed. He actually looks kinda scared... That just makes this even more unnerving.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm stuck on her being Yukimura's little sister." Maehara says, dismissing Itona's comment. I give Itona a sympathetic glance as the white-haired boy's face scrunches up slightly and a frown appears on his face.

"She uh, used to be our home room teacher, right?" Sugino asks.

"Yeah, not for very long though." I answer.

"Aw man, unbelievable. I thought I recognized Kayano from somewhere." Mimura says, typing on his phone and catching or attention. Being closest to Isogai, Mimura turns his phone to show him the screen. "Seeing her with her hair down and that evil look on her face jogged my memory. Do you remember Haruna Mase, the acting prodigy who could disappear into any role they threw at her? She turned her back on the business years ago. She looks and acts so different now, I-I didn't even make the connection." Mimura explains.

Nagisa looks at him in horror. I remember when she suddenly showed up. She helped out Nagisa and showed him how to do his hair how he does it now instead of a ponytail. They were pretty close so I'm sure he's in shock right now, more so than the rest of us. We head back inside, soome pulling out their phones and looking at clips of Kayano while in some of her roles and others of us gathered around.

"I'll kill you! You'll die like the animal you are! Give me back my mother now!" The Kayano in the video I am watching with a few others screams, clutching the jacket of the man in front of her.

"Mhm. Definitely Kayano." Karma hums.

"That's crazy. It's like she's a split personality or something." Yoshida comments.

"It would explain why she's been able to keep her identity a secret." Maehara observes. I glance over at Nagisa from where I am watching a clip with Itona hovering over my shoulder. He looks so heartbroken. Almost worse than when his mom was trying to make him transfer back to the main campus. I can understand that feeling... She was one of my first and closest friends here in E class, just after Karma. It hurts to think it was all an act.

"Excuse me sir. Why did Kayano... Well, why did she call you a murderer?" Mimura asks hesitantly, looking up at Korosensei. We all turn and stare at him.

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