chapter 5 - breakdown

Start from the beginning

"I didn't notice the flask at first, and when I did, my lab partner's elbow knocked it back. I tried to reach down and grab it before it shattered, but I was too late. The glass broke too close to my hand, so I got cut."

My mom scoffs. Actually, scoffs at me. As if I were the most careless person in the world. It was an accident, I want to scream at her.

"Next time, you should be more aware of your surroundings so you don't make stupid mistakes like that," she says, looking right into my eyes before turning her attention back to her work. "You should also apologize to your science teacher for disrupting her class. This discussion is over."

My mouth hangs open and my eyebrows furrow together. I try to think of another thing to say to make her understand, but Jess grabs me by the wrist and leads me upstairs.

I think I am more shocked than angry right now. I feel a silent tear fall down my face as I stare at the hallway floor with Jess in front of me.

"It was an accident, okay? She's just trying to make you think otherwise," Jess says softly.

I just shake my head. "Whatever. I'm going to go do my homework," I whisper, turning around to enter my bedroom.

"You should take a break, Lia. It's been a long day," she tries to assure me, her footsteps close behind.

I whip my head around to stare at Jess. "Don't you get it, there are no breaks for me. There's only work. And when I'm done with that work, I study, and it's all endless." By now I'm crying, and there's nothing I can do to control it.

"Come on, Talia, ju—"

"No, stop it, Jess. I'm doing all of this for them. To make them happy, okay? Now please, I just want to be alone."

Jess frowns, then turns and walks away, realizing that I'm not in the mood to argue or have company.

I vigorously wipe aside the tears on my face and look in the mirror. My eyes are red and puffy. No surprise, considering I was just crying. I look exhausted. That was probably why Jess was trying to convince me to rest. There's no time to rest, though. There's never enough time.

So, I sit on my bed, open my government textbook, and begin taking notes.


"He did what?"

I think this is the third time Cassie has said that. She might need some hearing aids.

"I've told you this already. He carried me to the nurses office after I passed out," I repeat.

Quinn opens her mouth and starts giggling.

I roll my eyes and take a bite of my wrap. Wraps are the perfect lunch food.

"Girl, you have been making up some crazy shit this week," Cas says while shaking her head.

"Why do you think I'm lying?" I question. "I literally have proof of me being injured. There's a big-ass bandage on my hand!" I state, showing them the injury again.

"Okay, fine. It's true. I just find it weird that Grayson was acting like that."

"You're acting like he doesn't have a heart, or something."

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