Whitebeard Pirates

Start from the beginning

"Thanks!" You said as you began to eat the delicious food placed in front of you. "Do you want any?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine I've already eaten." Responded Thatch with a small smile on his face. "Sorry I couldn't give you more for your birthday, I lost all my money to Izo when we played poker last week."

"Your cooking is all I could ask for." You replied as you hurriedly finished it all, excited for what you'd get next. You looked over at the door when you heard it creaking open and watched as Vista walked into the room. 

"I've been requested to find you." The top-hatted man said, "Whenever your ready that is." 

"I'm almost ready, I just gotta wash my plate." 

"No, you won't." Thatch said, taking the empty dish from your hands and giving it to Ace. "It's Ace's turn to do the dishes." 

"You guys never let me help out." You complained.

"We're just worried you might hurt yourself. You're a lot more delicate than we are." Ace explained, already on his way to the kitchen in the back.

"Whatever." You huffed, as you walked over to the swordsman standing near the door. "I'm all ready now."

"Ladies first." He smiled down at your small frame as he held the wooden door open. You giggled as you started out of the dining hall and behind the burly man. It didn't take long before you saw Izo and Haruta standing in the distance. 

"(Y/N)! Look what I got you! It's almost as adorable as you!" Haruta claimed, excitedly handing you a stuffed bear.

"Thank you!" You said, taking the bear from the brunette and holding it close to you. "Y'know it kinda looks like you." You said, holding up the bear to compare Haruta to it. "Where'd you get it?"

"The last island we were at! I pointed it out and Izo bought it!" He explained.

"Oh, was it expensive?" 

"Don't worry about the cost, doll," Izo told you, as he came up behind you, patting your head.

"(Y/N)! Come here! Rakuyo and I have something to show you!" You heard Curiel yell to you.

"Coming!" You called back, as you ran over to the tall gunslinger. "I'll see you guys later!" You called over to the other two pirates.

"Alright, so you know how you wanted to get a tattoo of our pirate symbol?" The sturdy man asked.

"Yeah, but you said I wasn't allowed to get one."

"You're way too young to get a tattoo,  but Rakuyo and I made you a coat with the symbol if you wanted it." 

"Really! Thank you so much!" You exclaimed as you threw on the coat. 

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