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When Dasom got up the next morning, she hadn't expected to find strangers lounging around her house, acting as if they owned the place.  

Boys were everywhere. Some were cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Others were watching television. One of them was even cleaning. 

She couldn't help it, she screamed in terror as soon as she walked out of her bedroom and saw them. Immediately eleven pairs of eyes were on her and she pressed her back against the wall, trembling. She looked around for something to defend herself with, the only object seeming to be the potted plant on the stand next to her. She picked it up, prepared to throw it. 

"I can fight," she warned them. "Don't come any closer," she said. But as soon as those words left her mouth she realized that none of them had tried to come close. They were all staring at her with curious confusion. "Who are you?" she demanded. "And how did you get into my house?"

One of the black-haired boys tilted his head at her in confusion. "But didn't you ask us to come?" he said innocently, looking around at the other boys. "She did, didn't she?" 

"I think so," the cleaning boy said, finally looking up from his dusting. "But she doesn't seem to recognize us." 

"I... excuse me... what?" she said, stumbling over her words. "Why in the world would I recognize you..." 

She dropped the pot, suddenly realizing. It crashed to the floor beside her, thankfully not landing on her feet. And as the pot crashed, realization crashed into her as well. 

The book. Eleven boys. Her wish. 

As her eyes traveled from one boy to the next, she realized that they did look familiar. They each matched up to their pictures in the book. She now recognized Sangyeon, Kevin, Jacob, and Hyunjae, all working in the kitchen. Younghoon was the boy who spoke to her first. Eric was the cleaning boy. Changmin and Chanhee were sprawled out on the couch, watching television. Haknyeon and Sunwoo were sitting by their feet, sharing a bag of chips. Juyeon was by her side now, the first to walk over to her. 

"You're going to hurt yourself," he mumbled, leaning down to pick up the pieces of the broken pot. He nodded his head towards the kitchen. "Go that way. And be careful." 

"Don't boss me around," she mumbled. "This is my house. I'm in charge." She said all that, but listened anyway, starting to make her way to the kitchen. 

"She's not scared anymore," Haknyeon whispered loudly. "She recognizes us." 

Dasom turned around to glare at him, and all of them. "How did you get out of the book?" 

"You asked us too," Younghoon said. "You made a wish." 

She opened her mouth to argue with him, but at that moment her doorbell rang. Her eyes widened as she realized that must be Seungyoun, since she'd invited him over for breakfast. 

"All of you, come here!" she hissed, motioning with her hands for them to follow. They all listened without hesitation, and she shoved them into her room. The last person to go in was Sangyeon since he'd paused for a moment to turn off the stove. 

"Don't come out, and don't make a sound," she warned them before slamming the door shut. 

Seungyoun was her best friend and she loved him dearly, but his detective mind would not let this go. He would start investigating everything right away, and she needed a moment to process what was happening before she told anyone else. 

"Hi there!" she greeted brightly as she opened the door for him. She desperately hoped that her face wasn't betraying her sudden anxiousness. "Why don't you um... wait out here," she said, trying to block him from entering her house by holding her arms out to her sides. He bent down, easily ducking under her arm and entering her apartment. 

"Why would I wait out there?" 

"Um... just let me get changed and then we can go out for breakfast!" she said quickly. "Wait outside." 

"Why do you want to go out to eat when you cooked already?" Seungyoun asked, wandering into her kitchen. 

"Um... because..."

"Wait," he said, his voice low. He held up a hand for her to stop talking. "Did you hear that?" 

Dasom laughed nervously. "Hear what? I hear nothing, you must-" 

"Shh," he said, picking up an empty frying pan from her stove and holding it up like a weapon. He started walking slowly towards her room. 

"Wait!" she yelped, but it was too late. 

He'd already opened her room door, and eleven boys spilled out onto the floor, since apparently they'd all been pressed against the door, eavesdropping. They looked up at her sheepishly.

Seungyoun was so surprised that the pan fell out of his hands, unfortunately dropping onto Jacob's head and knocking him out. 

"What... what is this?" Seungyoun asked, turning to face her, confusion written in every corner of her face. "Why are these people here? Where did they come from?" 

"Um..." she said, awkwardly rubbing her arms. "This is going to sound crazy but... they came from a book."


Stupid Sorry - The Boyz

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