Chapter 3

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Its been a couple of weeks now and i lashed out several times. And Derek isnt happy about it. He feels like a failure because i cant control my shifts when i lash out. I act up in school alot still and he doesnt care about that anymore.

"Beth are you ready?" Stiles knocks on my door. I zone back in and take one last look in the mirror. I  open my bedroom door and i smile at the sight. He hands me a single red rose. I blush.

"You look handsome!" I tell him and he blushes.

Dont catch feelings Beth

Issacs words echo through my head.

"You look as beautiful as ever princess!" He tells me. I blush. I guess i did catch feelings. I owe Erica $20. Its hard not to catch feelings for him. He is just so sweet and funny and he is so cute!

"Come on. Lets go!" He says. He takes my hand and we walk out to his jeep.

"What are we doing tonight?" I ask him.

"Well i made a picnic so i thought we could go up to one of the cliffs or something and have a romantic late night picnic!" He says. He is so adorable!

"Sounds amazing!" I smile and kiss his hand. He smiles and starts to drive. When we get there he lays out a blanket and puts the basket down on top of it.

We spend the next two and a half hours laughing and talking. It is amazing really. I think i may have fallen in love with this boy. An accidental romance. I love it. I love him. Shit. I love him. I cant beleive i just said... i mean thought that. I actually love this boy that i have known my whole life. But not love like a brother. Love like a soulmate.

When he drives me home he starts acting weird. I dont know why. I dont even know how. Its just something feels off.

"You okay?" I ask him as he pulls in to the driveway.

"Yeah im fine!" He smiles.

"Are you sure babe?" I ask him. He shakes his head as if dismissing some thoughts.

"Yeah im sure. Ill see you tomorrow in school. Okay?" He asks.

"Uh Stiles. Its saturday." I tell him.

"Oh yeah!" He laughs. I lean over and give him a kiss before hopping out of his jeep.

"Bye!" I wave. He waves back and drives away. I walk inside and Erica, Boyd, Issac and Derek are all standing around. I groan in annoyance.

"What?" I ask.

"You owe me $20!" Erica smiles.

"No! No i dont!" I say.

"Well Derek saw everything!" She huffs.

"Derek!" I shreik.

"I have to keep an eye on you!" He shrugs as if its no big deal.

"Ugh!" I groan and hand Erica $20.

"And uhm... i want icecream!" Issac says.

"Here!" I roll my eyes and hand him $10.

"Thanks!" He smiles. I roll my eyes and he laughs. He holds up his pinkie finger to me and i grab it with mine. I kiss my hand and he kisses his.

"Aw young love!" Boyd laughs.

"Fuck off Boyd!" Me and Issac say at the same time. Me and Issac were friends before Derek bit us but now we have grown even closer. He is my best friend and we made a pact that if both of us werent married by the age of 30 we would marry eachother.

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