Chapter 10

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When i get home i slam my door and curl up in a ball on my bed. There is a light knock on my door.

"Scott go away!" I shout. I am choking on my own tears and its quite pathetic. My door opens and someone sits on the bed. A hand is placed on my shoulder and i flinch.

"Beth are you okay?" My dad asks. I dont know why but i quickly sit up and burry my face in his chest. I cry for a long time kn my dads chest and he says nothing. He just rocks me back and forth slowly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. I shake my head. He hugs on to me tighter and i hug him tighter. Then i start crying for a different reason. I have waited all of my life for this. For my dad to hug me when he wasnt wasted and now that its come im getting way to emotional. I end up falling asleep and when i wake up my dad is still sitting up rocking me back and forth. I look up at him and he blinks rapidly. His eyes are all bloodshot.

"Dad?" I ask. He smiles down at me.

"Hi Bethy!" He sniffs. I hug him tighter and i can smell his happiness.


"Bethany!" Malia shouts. I take out my earphones.

"What?" I shout back.

"Why are you always wareing that stupid ring?" She points down to the beautiful ring on my finger.

"Malia mind your business!" Scott says.

"Malia!" Lydia shouts.

"What? I want to know!" She says.

"The love of my life gave it to me! We promised forever but then be was murdered!" I say.

"Who killed him?" She asks.

"Kira and Scott!" I say. I pick up my books, put my earphones back in and walk away. I sit down at the bench where i layed across Voids lap and try to study. Then a boy sits next to me. He nudges me on the shoulder.

"What?" I snap and take out my earphones.

"You sm... look sad! Want a cookie?" He smiles. I look up at him and he nods down to the packet of cookies in his hand.

"Sorry for snapping at you!" I sigh.

"Its okay. We all have one of those days!" He chuckles and takes a bite of a cookie.

"Im Bethany! But you can call me Beth!" I smile and hold out my hand for him to shake.

"Hi Beth! Im Brett!" He laughs.

"Nice to meet you!" I smile.


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