⭒The Butterfly of The Meadow⭒

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Caged in the grip of my hands, was the butterfly of the meadow

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Caged in the grip of my hands, was the butterfly of the meadow.

She flapped her wings hastily inside
To the different corners of my palms, she kept hitting herself
For a way out of this darkness, no, she couldn't sight.

She kept flapping
She kept hitting
But for her desired freedom, my hands were too strong.
The more she flapped, the wearier she got
The more she hit, the weaker she became
But look at this butterfly of the meadow
She had vowed to prove me wrong.

She didn't rest a moment
She kept fighting, for what is hers
And her unbreakable dignity taught my foolish heart,
That it could get no worse.

And as I realized what iniquity I did
The heavily felt force of utter guilt
Pulled my hands down.
My hands released.

Now, she was free.
She got what was hers.
She got victory.

Now she flew in the tranquil air
The battle had made her flight slower
Yet victory made it stronger.
And I stood there, watching her slowly disappear
The guilt had made me weaker
Yet the defeat made me wiser.

She taught me
That in the golden hues of happiness, I'll never shine
If I cage the beauty, which is not mine.
She taught me something
Nobody else did
She was, the butterfly of the meadow.


Written by: fire_fly017

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