School Arc Part 14

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Everyone said good luck to you before heading out for your final test of the year. You did the test and met up with Peter and his friends.

You: So how was it? Do you think you can maintain your position?

Peter: I don't know? You sure have proven yourself in class. But I didn't make it easy for you.

You: Oh I bet you didn't. What about you guys? *turns to Ned and MJ*

Ned: Oh I mean, I'm sure I won't fail but I'm sure won't score higher than Peter even though I studied.

MJ: Same goes for me. But probably still higher than Ned.

Ned: Hey...

All of us: Hahahaha.

MJ: Ned and I were thinking of having dinner together. What do you think?

You: Sure! Where are we heading?

They lead us to a nearby shop that sells sandwiches.

MJ: This shop may seem weird, but I assure you they sell the best sandwiches you can ever find. I'll order for us ok?

You: Sure. I'll trust you.

You: When do you think we are going to get our results back?

Ned: Oh probably in around a month's time. They take quite a while.

You smile and nod.

You head back to the compound alone this time without Happy.

When you walked in, you were greeted with everyone holding drinks, waiting to celebrate with you.

You: I didn't know there was a party.

Tony: Well, it's just a small one. To celebrate you finishing your studies without any complications.

Nat: Yeah that's right. *Hands me a beer*

You: Thanks.

Wanda: Shall we watch a movie?

Thor: Yeah! Let's choose this.

You were actually already very tired. With the alcohol, you were already on the verge of passing out. You tried to stay awake for the majority of the party but unfortunately, you fell asleep halfway on the couch.

Tony: Someone's weak.

Nat turns to look at you and the rest.

Nat: I'll bring her to her room.

She carries you back to your room to rest.

Before the light comes out you sneak out of the compound and take the first flight to Germany. As soon as you land, you take a cab straight to the center of Berlin. There used to be a military ground where it stands but it is abandoned now. Hydra took over the spot without anyone knowing.

It took a lot for me to get this information, I hope it doesn't disappoint. You thought.

New Recruit, New Life | Natasha RomanoffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon