Realization Arc Part 5

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You: Hey guys, nice to meet you again. Do you think there is any space for me to rest? I can always take the cell again...*smile awkwardly*

Peter runs towards you and hugs you tightly.

You: Oh hey, nicely now...

Steve: How about you explain things to us first.

You: Oh I'd love but two things you should know about me is that, I like things to go my way and I really love to sleep. But maybe you guys can take a look at this file that I painstakingly retrieved for your peruse. *puts the file on their table*

Nat: *Smile* I'll take you to an empty room.

After thanking Nat for the empty room, you head towards the toilet to clean your cuts before heading to sleep.

Next morning, you hear someone knocking on the door. You sluggishly wake up to open the door.

You: Yes? *Rubbing your eye*

Nat: Cap wants everyone to be down in 10 mins.

You: Alright. ...Are you the designated person to contact me or what? Why is it always you?

Nat: Sorry kid, you are stuck with me.

You head down to the meeting room but nobody is in yet. You take a random seat and wait for them. While waiting, you think about all the people you interacted with in Hydra. How many of them found the truth and how many did not make it. Suddenly there were a bunch of noise and you were brought back to reality.

You: Seriously guys, I thought 10 mins. Where were you guys?

Steve: Sorry. Normally nobody is on time for 10 mins so naturally...

Tony: Alright so. Anything you want to tell us?

You: Have you read the files? I actually don't know what's on there.

Tony: The main things in the files are when you came, the abilities you have, how you respond to it and the mission you've had. How about telling us your personal life or personality.

You: How bold of you to assume that I have a life. *You stood up* After each mission, it is automatically restart time and straight back to the cell. Why do you think I was fine when you captured me? It's because that place is my home, it's where I spent most of my time. It brings me comfort to a certain extent. I know I am safe in there, I know that I do not have to do experiments, I know that I don't have to go on a mission. *You sit back down* But, yeah. I try to have a positive outlook on things. That's why I am here. 

They stay quiet for a few seconds.

Steve: Well, we are glad to have you here.

You: Who says you are having me. I am just finding a place to stay before heading back out again.

Peter: Where are you going to go sis? You have nowhere else. Why don't you just stay here?

You: I'll just have to make space out there.

Peter: Can't you just stay here for me? At least I can see you everyday.

You: You have done fine without seeing me. I'm sure you will do just fine from now on.

You walk out of the room before Peter could say anything.
You head to a random café and start daydreaming. 

New Recruit, New Life | Natasha RomanoffWhere stories live. Discover now