School Arc Part 10

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Despite everything, you head down to the dining area. Everyone was looking at you when you walked down.

You: Yes guys? Is there something wrong?

Steve: No, nothing. Glad to see you doing fine.

Everyone nods their heads.

You: Well, thanks.
You sit with everyone at the dining area

Wanda: I heard from Peter that you are going to school in 2 weeks huh.

You: Words travel fast here. Yeah, he kinda forced me to. Is there anything I should know about? You know I am not very good at interacting. I have never done that before.

Clint: I'm sure you'll be fine. You've done well with us here so far.

You: But you guys are different. You are.. Well *tilts head* not the normal bunch.

Nat: It's the same concept though. You took time to open to us as well. Time will fix everything. Trust yourself alright.

She taps on your shoulder before heading out.

Tony: Well, the books should arrive in a few days time. If you have nothing to do, why don't you head to your brother's place when he is done with school?

You head over to Peter's house to look for him.

He was at home going through his gadgets he got from Tony.

Peter: Hey. Tony told me you might come. Sit down. May's not here yet. She has volunteer stuff. You can take the book over there to read it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

You scan the room, looking at the organized mess and pick up a physics book.

Peter: Oh look, it seems like we have the same interest. I like physics too.

You: Oh are you good at it? Then maybe watch your seat, or I'll knock you off.

Peter: Hahaha go ahead then.

You head back late at night after having dinner with Peter and May.

Bucky: So how was it? I heard that you went to Peter's house when I came back from a mission.

You: I just read books and ate dinner. That's it.

2 weeks pass and you are heading to school. Tony told you that Happy would be the one sending and picking you up from school.

You were introduced to the class and luckily, they placed you in the same class as Peter.

Teacher: Why don't you go and sit next to your brother.

You head over to Peter and take your seat.

You: Get ready to hold on to your seat. *whisper to him*

The first class went by rather smoothly. Despite not having any foundation. You manage to keep up with the lesson and answer a few questions. 

You: Math isn't too bad I suppose.

Peter: Yeah, it is similar to physics afterall. Come on... I want to show you some of my friends.

Before you stand to leave, a guy came up to talk to you.

Flash: So, never seen you around him before. What, are you adopted?

Peter: Hey.

Before Peter can say any further you stop him and make him sit down.

You: It's alright, I can handle this. *you look to Flash* Whether or not I am adopted is none of your problem. The only problem you have is staying 2 meters away from me from now on or I'll punch you in the face. You are Flash right? I will remember your name. You have successfully pissed me off, and landed yourself in my blacklist on the first day. 

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