Chapter 23 - Father's Domains

Start from the beginning

"He beat the Devil in a fight?"

"Yes and no. Lucifer can't exactly go all out on our plane of existence. In a fight, he has to constantly hold back or he could very well destroy this universe, and I'm pretty sure his dear old Dad wouldn't appreciate that very much."

Bruce nodded, pulling up a note pad on his computer. He started typing notes of everything he heard so far in this conversation, trying to use anything at his disposal so he could figure out a way to take him down. "What were his Titles that he spouted out?"

Scratching his head, John leaned back against the giant desk again, trying to remember. "Let's see, Bane of Kronos and Gaea. Destroyer of the Labyrinth, said he beat a couple Titans and Giants. Something about respect from a 'Man-Hating Goddess?' Whatever that one meant. Oh! He said he was Poseidon's son and heir. He also said something about New Rome? I'm not sure exactly what it was but that was there too."

Batman typed everything John told him into the computer and turned to face him. "How do you propose we take him down?"

"Listen, Batsy. What was your plan to take on that daughter of Zeus should she turn?"

"That's classified."

Shaking his head, John pulled out a note book and opened it. Showing Bruce, he just shook his head. "It's blank John."

John grinned, "Is it now?" John started chanting and writing started to appear on the pages. When he was done, he smirked and handed it back to the Bat. He slowly started to read, eyes growing wider and wider by the second. He slammed his fist on his desk and stood up, getting in John's face.

"How the Hell did you get this? It's in a classified folder on its own separate server!"

Join hands his hand up in surrender and slowly backed up. "Woah there Batsy, calm down! Noah Kuttler, the Calculator, hacked your computer and tried selling these Tower of Babylon secrets to Felix Faust. Luckily, I defeated Faust before he read this and used a spell to wipe the memory from Noah's already old mind. He wrote it down though, so I saved it for a rainy day."

Batman took a step back, still angry that someone had hacked his secret server and he had no idea. "Look Bruce, your plan for Wonder Woman is to have her fight until she dies of exhaustion."

"That's because she virtually has no weaknesses. Superman may be powerful, but at least he has kryptonite and magic still works on him. Wonder Woman, however, is a heavy hitter without those weaknesses. If she ever turned, let's just hope we still have heavy hitters of our own if that happens. If not, I can only hope for her to think she was fighting an endless swarm of enemies until she collapses."

"Right. Well I very much doubt she'll turn anyways." Bruce just looked at him before sitting down at the computer again. "Anyways, you have to realize something. She's this powerful as an immortal daughter Zeus. Zeus' brothers are just as powerful, and some even debate the other two are even more powerful. Rumor has it, Poseidon was even supposed to be King of the Gods, but he apparently turned it down, content with just ruling the seas, and apparently after offering Hades, he felt rejected and despised by his younger brother so he also declined. Zeus is King by default, it's not even his birthright. It's Hades."

"What are you saying?" John pinched the bridge of his nose and took a breath. "I'm saying, this Perseus is most likely an Atlantean version of Wonder Woman. An immortal son of Poseidon. No one on this Earth has even come across a living son of the Sea God. My best guess? Wonder Woman, Superman and maybe Shazam might be your best options to take him down. Personally, Her or Shazam, considering their powers are based in myth."

"Superman has defeated gods before. He may be vulnerable to Magic, but he can more than likely take him down."

"Why not the Amazon?" Bruce sighed and scratched his exposed chin. "She claims they are family. They're close. Closer then I would like them to be. If she found out I was planning to take him down, there's no telling what she would do. He has her under his thumb. Turns out, they really are family. Cousins by the sound of it."

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now