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I watched as the village began to buzz with anticipation. I looked around and my eyes landed on Convel who was in a trance-like state walking away from me.

"Convel? Convel!" I called out to him until I saw him looking at Martha. They both were staring at each other, no one moving. Martha dropped the clothes she was repacking as they were scattered all over the floor around her. Her mouth was slightly opened and she couldn't take her eyes off Convel, who was stuck in a similar haze.

I approached slowly, not making a sound.

Convel ran his hands through his hair flattening it and trying to style it. I laughed internally as he tried to neaten himself. He then got down on his knees allowing Martha to approach him. Everyone around, including the elders, was watching the exchange.

"Oh, how I have been blessed by the woman standing in front of me. I am blessed by your presence and your grace. Please accept me with nothing but the promise of everything."

Martha stood there in silence looking at Convel as his eyes connected with hers.
She nodded her head and he got up from the floor and embraced her, spinning her around laughing together. I laughed at the two of them and the crowd began to clap. I joined in and Convel approached me.

"Luna, this is my mate, Martha." I nodded and embraced the both of them, making Martha giggle giddily.

"She is perfect for you, Convel." He bowed to me and the two of them walked away hand-in-hand. I smiled looking at how happy they both were. I hadn't known either of them for too long but the feeling created warmth in my heart I hadn't felt since I last saw Atlas. It made my heart ache to think about where he was right now. I truly missed him when he left that morning a week ago. It was becoming overwhelming to be without him but I was about to lead an army into battle. I couldn't be weak right now.

"I will find you, Atlas." I murmured to myself.

Walking back into the village, I watched as the elders directed people into groups. I looked around to see if I could find Thalia and when I saw her, she was arguing with the elf elder. I quickly walked over to the pair of them.

When the elder saw me, she approached me angrily, "You!" With a firm swing of her hand, she struck me square in the face. I felt my head move back and a sting to my cheek.

"Mother! Eva isn't the reason I am leaving!" I looked to the pair of them, with Thalia standing in front of me. I heard growling behind me and saw Convel stood there coming to my aid, with Martha at his side.

"For once in your life, listen to me! My life is out there where I can actually live it. Mother, look at me. Do you really believe this is my full potential? Let me go with them, with Eva. Please, I am begging you." Thalia stood in front of me pleading with her mother to allow her to leave.

"I'm sorry Thalia, but you can't go. You can't protect yourself out there." This time I stepped in.

"Yes, she can. As an elder of this village, you really know nothing that goes on here. Thalia is a fierce warrior that you have been keeping locked up just because of her brothers. I won't stand around and let you treat her like she is a precious jewel when in fact she is as strong as a diamond. She is too tough for you to even comprehend. If Thalia wants to leave, you have no right to stop her."

The elder looked at me and I met her gaze. She didn't intimidate me. Thalia stood by my side and smiled at me. Her mother looked away from me and towards her daughter.

"Thalia, I cannot accept your request to leave. As your mother, I do love you. I always have even if it doesn't feel like it at times. Leave if you must." With that, she walked away.

I turned to see Thalia smiling and I embraced her. She laughed and hugged me back causing Martha to gasp. I let her go and we looked at Martha, laughing at her reaction.

"Now, Thalia. I would like you to get your army ready." She looked shocked but quickly composed herself and thanked me.

As she walked away, I took the time to look around at the crowds. The elders were nowhere to be seen but the village looked more alive than ever. I watched as Thalia gathered her soldiers. She was taking to leadership quickly and efficiently.

I walked to the front gate and waited for everyone to be ready. Soon Martha and Convel were standing in front of me. They both bowed and returned it. Thalia soon stood by my side handing me my knives I left the night we fought. I thanked her and slid them into my bag.

I walked into the dark forest looking for my friend's soulmate and I left with everything I needed to win a battle. I had Martha and Convel on my right side with Thalia on my left. Soldiers of all kinds followed us. I was proud of all of them.

"Where are we headed, Luna?" Martha asked me. I smiled and kept my eyes straight.

"We are going to Borealis. There is an army on standby waiting to join us for this war. Are you ready to meet your soulmate, Thalia?"

She smirked at me, "Forward, Awate army!"

With a cheer from the mass behind us, we walked towards the castle.

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