A new begining and new friend (edited)

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Reina's POV
The bell aka our saviour has finally rung dismissing us from the hell we call school , BUT even better it is half term.
Two weeks of freedom, no school , no work , no worries, freedom.

As I am walking up to my semi large two story house, yes I live alone, I notice something light plopped on my doorstep. Slowly creeping up to my door, weary for what it was, I find a fluffy yellow blob of a cat seemingly looking rather dead.





I jump back as a sharp claw swipes towards my face causing me to loose footing and fall on my bum down the stairs to the floor. I look up to see a cheese yellow cat looking at itself acting rather strange and disorientated. Observing the cat it seemed quite panicked but it didn't to fail to glare at me ,from what I can guess it's waking up.
'I should of known, cats hate being woken up' I thought to myself.

I stood up and walked towards the cat slowly "Hello Mr or Mrs cat" I said calmly trying not to get attacked.
The cat looked up towards me still rather confused but calmer than before.

"Are you lost?" I started questioning the cat aware that it couldn't speak back or understand but the cat nodded slowly.
'At this point I need to get the cat to not kill me'
I then go to check for a tag on the cats neck but only then did I realise the cats gorgeous Safire blue eyes as it stared at me. I couldn't look away until the cat did an annoyed sound meow 'could cats even make sounds that reflect emotion???' I thought. The cat wasn't wearing a tag telling me that it didn't have an owner
'Poor kitty'.
"Why would someone leave such a pretty kitty ouside my door" I said to myself the cat was still looking up at me presumably for answers.
I looked towards the cat sadly before realisation hit me, gleefully I looked towards the cat a bright smile dawning upon my face,
"Looks like I've got a new friend!" I say joyfully towards the cat only to find it to have given up on looking at me, and to be once again 'sleeping' . I stand up avoiding trodding on the cat and unlock my door.
"Come on in mr cat" the cat didn't move .........
"Mr/Mrs cat?" No response.
I lightly tap the cat with my shoe,
No response.
I'm starting to get worried,
I shake the cat now thinking that it was really dead only for the cat to open its eyes and turn its head giving me a 'what do you think you are doing' look.

"I thought you were dead" I stated looking quite annoyed at the cat before scooping him up In my arms cautious of it scratching me,which it didn't (luckily).

Firstly I take the cat to my kitchen turning the lights on and placing the cat on the island counter as I know it must need food. The cat sat down and stared staring at me expectingly, with his facial expression he looked rather dead inside. I raise my hand and start to stoke the cats head and ears causing the cat to purr rather loudly.
"Awwwwww do you like that baby"I continued stroking the cat till I remembered I still didn't know what gender the cat was.
"Now mr or Mrs cat I need to know your gender" I told the cat before raising its leg carefully to not be killed.
"Boy, now I need a name" I started staring at the cat thinking for a name until the perfect name came to mind.


Third POV
Duck(shu) looked curiously at his new owner questioning her sanity at his new 'name' as why she would call him that , nonetheless he didn't mind the name much as it could have been way worse. The woman (He doesn't know her name) walked over to the large silver chrome fridge to see if she had any food suitable for a cat or well now Shu cat version. Reina then went to her cupboard and found a tin of tuna as there wasn't anything in the fridge suitable for a cat. She grabbed a glass bowl and put the tuna in, placing it in front of Duck(shu) expecting him to eat it.

Diabolik Cats (diabolik lovers cast x oc) slight yandere Where stories live. Discover now