When is the last match?

in 3 weeks max

Well then take rest now
you need to sleep and
eat on time now



Ryujin's messages

Baby... R u busy?

My baby girl ❤️
Depends on what you say?

Damn... Go easy on me

My baby girl ❤️
Still the same response🤗

I swear you are getting
bolder day by day😏

My baby girl ❤️
I am waiting for the response... 

Okay just wanted to ask if
you are free on this sunday..
u k for a date?

My baby girl ❤️

Whenever u r free

My baby girl ❤️
Well I will let u k i was
check my schedule...

Babe u said the same last week
and the week before tht😔😔

My baby girl ❤️
Ryu I said to you about this...

Yeah work and coll is
ur first priority

I understand u need it despite
idk why you have so many
jobs and work in tht
shitty place. I didn't argue...

I just want to hangout
with you...

My baby girl ❤️
We hangout everyday Ryu

Boxing academy is not
in this list... I want us to
hangout somewhere out
maybe on an amusement
park or even as simple
as a cafe or karaoke.......

My baby girl ❤️
Ryu baby.... 

My baby girl ❤️
I am sorry...
I didn't think you would
feel like this...
Sorry... I was so caught
up with this I didn't realize... 

My baby girl ❤️
I promise
I will make it up to you..

My baby girl ❤️

Ur schedule?

My baby girl ❤️
I will try to take some time
off maybe? If the date makes
you happy then sure let's
go on one..


My baby girl ❤️
I am🤗

Then cool!
Let me know when!!😁😁


"So what do think?" The now blond hair asked who was scanning through the sketches. "They are really pretty Ten. Especially the bright colour is really catchy." Taehyung said amuzed with a cheeky smile for which Ten gleamed. "See! I said you to trust me. Now that I got your measurements I just have to just get it done and check it will you" Ten said noting down in his paper.

"How long will it take?" Taehyung asked curiously. "Hmm roughly two weeks but by three weeks I am hoping the complete outfit will be done." Ten replied saving few things in laptop with Taehyung sipping on his hot chocolate. "We have a month for the project show so I guess we have a lot of time?" Taehyung asked seeing Ten hummed. "Yeah hopefully I am going to buy the materials for this, this week I guess" Ten said as Taehyung hummed.

The duo has been getting along quite well, maybe because Ten is actually outgoing and cooperative than Jimin, they were doing smoother than expected. 

"So any plans tonight? Tomorrow is Sunday" Taehyung asked both exiting the cafe. "Nothing much honestly maybe hangout with friends or dance" Ten replied as Taehyung hummed getting into his car while Ten stood beside "What about you? " Taehyung started the car replying a shot "Clubbing I guess," Taehyung as Ten smiled waving just when Taehyung honked "Then Bye! Time for Saturday's night!!" Taehyung yelled driving away as Ten waved ready to go to his bike.

Just when.

"sAtUrDaY's NiGhT!!!" Ten yelled.

Fuck Chae works there!



Hey Onyxes 🖤🖤🖤!! Sorry I was absent for few days... I will update a lot tomorrow. I was working on this other Taekook book so I was a bit focusing on that... Hope you get it...

Btw Don't be a silent reader 🤧

I purple you 💜💜💜


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