Alistair Drabble

293 10 3

I'm playing origins again.

He was having nightmares again, and not from the blight. Just nightmares. Every time he had a nightmare recently you were there. He would wake up to your hand roaming lazily on his back, one hand stroking his hair and humming a quiet lullaby. It never ceases to calm him, almost immediately brought back into reality, curling further against your body. His head resting on your collarbone, laying a few kisses near your shoulders.
"What was it about this time?" You murmured, still half asleep. His arms tightened around your waist.
It was about you. About watching a sword run through your body and the man throw you to the ground. A lifeless body. His heart stopped, his beautiful Rose...
"Nothing." He muttered, taking a deep breath and allowing one of his hands to drift up your back. "It's alright." You hummed a response, already falling back asleep.
The image didn't leave his mind, but that didn't matter right now. You were there, he was in your arms sleeping peacefully next to him. He was safe, you were safe.

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