When they realized they loved you

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Only male x female for the time being. Tired. Stomach hurt. Owe.

After he left haven with the others he was pacing. Everyone was worried, but it was really upsetting him. Just the thought that you could have been dead and he didn't do anything was hurting him.
"I'm going to look for her." He said, immediately walking to exit the camp.
"If you're going you're not going alone. We can't risk losing our commander." Leliana said, standing up. He didn't stop. "Someone go with him, or get some soldiers."

When he found you there, you collapsed in his arms. He just wanted to hold you. You were so cold and you were shaking and pale. He didn't want to let you go in case you died and he wasn't there. He already felt guilty enough leaving you behind, though it was you who pushed him to leave. You opened your eyes, barely conscious and gave him a weak smile. It made his stomach drop, he could see how much pain you were in but you still smiled. He picked you up without any hesitation, your head resting on his shoulder. Before you lost consciousness you muttered a thank you, and he realized in that moment that he had fallen for you. He also realized he would do anything to make sure you survived this.

It wasn't until after your first kiss in the fade. He didn't know what to make of that night, pacing around his quarters awkwardly unable to sort thorough his own feelings. He could hear you laughing upstairs with someone, be that Dorian or Leliana. It made him want to stop and listen, just to hear you laugh. He internally cursed at himself, realizing that not only had he begun to view you so highly, but he also was falling in love with you. He denied it to himself until he spoke to you on the balcony. Knowing it was better for you if he left you there. He wasn't thinking about himself, he could only think about you. He couldn't lose you though, giving you up so easily would be foolish. So he kissed you, and only fell further.

It was very early on, after he told you about his father. He though you would start treating him differently, but you didn't. When he asked you told him that no matter what, he was still Alistair. It didn't matter to you who his father was, unless Alistar himself was crowned king of course. He didn't realize how much he cared for you until one day when you fell in battle, and he immediately couldn't think to do anything but protect you. It wasn't like it was with anyone else in the party, he did it almost like it was out of instinct. Run to your side and defend you. That's all he could think about. After the battle was over he was the first one to help you, Wynne coming over to heal you a few minutes later. You weren't completely unconscious, but you definitely weren't conscious either. He put your head on his knees, and it wasn't very comfortable with his armor on but you didn't mind. You reached up to run your fingers over a small cut he got during the battle, muttering something almost incoherently. He was terrified. Losing you was terrifying. Not only then would he be left alone, but he felt like he needed you. That moment where you legitimately looked like you were dying was enough to make him realize how much he cared for you. He was willing to go through hell and back to protect you.

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