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He would almost always be awake first, for one reason or another. Maybe because he was almost always in bed first. He woke up to you asleep with your cheek against his shoulder and your arms loosely wrapped around his stomach. He carefully turned over, laying your head on his chest. A quiet and sleepy groan left your lips, annoyed because you knew he was going to make you get up soon.
He knew you were exhausted, you were every night and hated getting up every morning. So he didn't make you get up that day, rather holding you until you woke up on your own. You opened your eyes only to see him with a book sitting on the bed next to him, calmly reading it for what seemed like the hundredth time. It was almost always on your nightstand.
He felt you pick your head up, turning to look down at you. With a soft smile he leaned down to kiss your forehead.
"Slept well?"

Let's be honest- you would probably wake up naked. His love language is very physical, whether that be sexual or just being able to hold you. Waking up to being tangled up on your lovers arms because he was afraid if he let go you would disappear was always an adventure. He wasn't much stronger than you, but he was a light sleeper. At this point you had stopped trying to get out of bed before he woke up.
Your hand rested against his back while your face was pressed firmly into his chest. You could hear and feel his heartbeat. One of his hands was knitted up in your hair, while the other was pressed into the small of your back. He was slightly smiling in his sleep, his nose in your hair.
"Zevran..." you muttered, lifting your head up to kiss his jaw. You had already been awake for an hour. "Zevvvv" he groaned, opening his eyes slightly to look at you. You moved yourself up a bit, coming face to face with him. His hands rested on your waist, slowly moving down to your hips. Then he gave you that look. Not that look. Something only you ever got to see. A soft and loving look in his eyes that almost made you want to never let him go. Your hands drifted up to his cheeks, muttering 'I love you' just loud enough for him to hear. He turned his head to kiss your palm. These were the moments meant for only the two of you to see. Neither of you spoke of them to anyone, they were private and beautiful.

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