"I want to apologise" she started, as she played with her fingers. Naomi was just about to start talking, when Theo's hand laid ontop of hers, stopping her from playing with them and made her feel comfortable to talk freely.

"Naomi why did you get so pissed off with me last night?" He asked, wanting to start from the beginning of everything, when she saw him and Poppy together

"I-I was jealous" she mumbled as she looked down at hers and Theo's hands, as he used his free one to guide her head to look up at him. "I was jealous of you and that Poppy girl... I thought, I don't know, I just thought that you'd been with her before me and I just snapped, she was so touchy with you and you didn't stop her and it annoyed me" she confessed

"Baby, I promise you nothing has nor will it ever happen with me and Poppy. She's just a girl I know from my course, she's not even in my classes, she's a third year - who just so happened to meet me when we both needed to talk to our lecturer. If she was flirting then I didn't even notice, because I only have eyes for you, but I didn't even realise she was touchy with me, in all honesty she was teasing me and I even mentioned you so I didn't think much of your interpretation without hearing our conversation. But I will say that even if she was touchy with me, you have nothing to worry about because she wasn't touching my chain"

"Your chain? What does that have to do with last night?"

"This chain here" Theo lifted Naomi's hand to play with it as she usually does, "it's special to me, I don't let anyone touch it, no one besides my family and you...Never has a girl shown attention to it, so when me and you first started and you'd always look at it and play with it, i got very protective of it, so I want you to know that that's what you have nothing to worry about because no one but you is touching this"

"Oh..." Naomi frowned realising that if she just believed this and let him talk then none of last night would of happened.

She also felt a warmth in her heart knowing that something so sentimental to him, that he had before he even knew her could be such an anchor in their relationship. "I'm sorry"

"Naomi you already apologised"

"No, I have something to confess" she mumbled as she felt Theo's hand tense in hers, as she removed it from the chain, but he continued to play with her hands

"What is it?" He asked

Theo's heart was racing with Naomi was going confess. So much could of happened in the time he left her to go and meet her dealer and then he found her crying in Ollie's arms and Seb was the cause of that.

"I...I was so high and I think it was laced or something but that isn't an excuse" she rambled

"Naomi just tell me"

"This guy, well you know him...the one I kissed on Halloween, well I was smoking with him and he started to kiss my neck" she rushed out

"Wait what?" Theo shook his head, at the fact that a guy kissed Naomi.

How does it jump from her leaving me to going to her dealer to meeting up with the guy from Halloween and him kissing her neck?

"I'm sorry I really am, I shouldn't of even gotten in his car in the first place, but my mind was all over the place after our argument and I was cold and I-" She practically word vomited to Theo

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