The front door opened and in-walked Ollie and Elijah.

"Where's Theo?" Naomi asked

"He's-" Elijah walked over to Naomi

"No!" She snapped, "No, he can't be staying in there all night, he can't, you have to get him out, you have to do something! No, you know what, drive me down to the station, I'll talk to them...I'll get him out, I'll-"

"Naomi" Elijah spoke, holding onto her shoulders to calm her down.

He couldn't help but frown as he noticed her flinch and her body stiffen when he had touched her, but quickly relaxed, realising it was him holding her shoulders. "He's fine, he's just with coach now...I think he's getting cussed, but he'll be here in a few minutes okay?" Elijah reassured her

"Okay" Naomi breathed out, sitting back down on the stool to wait for Theo

It wasn't long until the four of them heard a key in the front door.

Theo trailed in, scanning the room for-

"You're okay" Naomi whispered against his chest as she ran into his arms

"I'm okay baby" he kissed her forehead as her eyes began to gloss over.

"We'll leave you too alone" Tiana smiled at Theo as Ollie and Elijah followed her upstairs to go to their own rooms

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything" Naomi croaked out, as Theo nodded, kissing her forehead again.

"It all just happened so quickly and everyone was just frozen and then I told them...I told them to stop you and they tried but it was too late and then you were getting arrested" she rambled on, as Theo nodded, placing his keys on the countertop

"It's okay, it was a long night" He hummed, as he smiled at her, just happy to know that she was okay.

The two of them didn't stay like that for long, before Theo wrapped his hands around the back of her thighs and lifted her up, carrying her to his room, whilst she buried her head in the crook of his neck.

"Let's go upstairs, hmm?"

He just wanted to be alone with his girl.

As Naomi heard the door click shut, she unburied her head from the crook of Theo's neck and got down, walking into the bathroom, getting out the first aid kit that she had found earlier when she cleaned up her own cuts.

Theo leaned on the doorframe of his en-suite as he watched Naomi get the equipment ready to clean up his knuckles. She didn't have to, but she wanted to.

"Here" Naomi smiled weakly, leading him into the bathroom, guiding him to soak his hands in the sink, as she poured disinfectant on some cotton pads.

Theo hissed out in pain when he dried off his hands, as he let Naomi clean his knuckles with the disinfectant. "Sorry" she mumbled, as Theo shook his head, "It's okay baby, thank you" He reassured her

It was silent as Naomi focused on her task at hand. Theo don't know what to do with himself, he knew it was pretty late so he figured the best idea was to go to bed and talk in the morning.

Waiting On You [18+]Where stories live. Discover now