She needed to, she heard Seb's door open when she fell on the ground, he was going to follow her.

She just needed to get away.

She needed to be as far away from Seb as possible.

She needed Theo.

No, she needed anyone, just someone, someone familiar who she could trust to protect her right now.

Her Jordans were probably creased with the way she was running, but she didn't care anymore. Anything to get away from Seb.

Her head was in pieces.

Her sight was blurry with tears. Hazy with the weed. She couldn't focus on anything.

All she could see was the bright lights of the rides and the stalls.

It was scaring her, why was she reacting so badly to the weed?

Finding herself in the middle of the fair, Naomi couldn't help but pause and spin around, looking at her surroundings in her high state, trying to focus on something, anything.

Everything was just so fuzzy.

She couldn't focus, she heard voices all around her and people kept bumping into her, making her jump back in fear.

She brought her hands up and covered her ears in distress of the loudness of the night. She couldn't focus. She couldn't breathe. Everything was just happening all at once. It was all too much. She hated it.

She just wanted to be sober in Theo's arms.

But she couldn't just stand there.

She had to keep moving.


A repeated vibration in her pocket, caused her to remember her phone. She reached into her coat pocket, moving the bag of weed to the side, pulling her phone out.

Liv - Hey, we're going on the bumper cars now, we just got in line, see you in five? x

The bumper cars...Just make it to the bumper cars and you'll be okay

She didn't know how long she had stopped for, but it didn't matter. It didn't matter because every second counts. Every second counts when you're running away from someone like Seb. Someone who was on a mission to talk to you. Someone who hurt you.

Blinking profusely, in order to get rid of her tears, Naomi set out to take off in the direction of the bumper cars.

Focusing her shaky vision on the Ferris wheel, which was directly next to the bumper cars, Naomi took in a deep breath, and began to go in that direction.

Just as she pushed one foot infront of the other to start off in a sprint, due to lost time, she felt her body being held at a standstill.

She was bound, trapped if you will.

Wait, wha-

She felt her arm being tugged. It was pulling her back, further and further away from the Ferris wheel.

Looking at her arm, she found it to be in a tight grasp.

Too afraid to even look at who it was, Naomi did the only thing she could. She screamed.


Her scream was cut short by a hand encasing it's self over her mouth, so any sound produced by her was muffled.

Her blood shot eyes, were dilated and wide with fear as she felt the warmth of the stranger's body behind her.

As she looked at the passers by, they didn't even give her a second glance. They didn't care. They didn't stop, they just looked away, carrying on with their night, as she had her mouth clearly covered being held against her will.

Waiting On You [18+]Where stories live. Discover now