Chapter Thirty Four

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Tucker was holding the edge of the bench so tightly, that his knuckles were turning white. It was sad that he couldn't be the first chair, that he couldn't be the one to prosecute this case but if there was one person he would trust to do it in his place, it would be none other than Joe.

Kira was the second chair, a very talented prosecutor that Tucker respected, and together Joe and her made an amazing pair. It was time for the jury to declare their verdict, and Tucker couldn't remember the last time he felt this nervous. It was probably when he was opening his admission letter from law school.

But this was different, of course Garner had gotten away once, and by some stroke of luck, and Garner's criminal tendencies obviously, Tucker finally had a chance to get justice. Garner was the reason Tucker chose to study law and be a prosecutor.

Every time Tucker saw his father, he was reminded that he may not be able to prevent some things, but the least he can do is make sure that justice is served.

"The Jury has reached its verdict," The spokesman said, "Jake Garner has been found guilty of all charges."

Tucker let out a breath that he wasn't aware that he was holding. He felt like he could breathe in peace after so, so long. He closed his eyes, replaying the memory when he saw his father in the hospital, his mother and Paige were sobbing and Tucker was simply numb.

Tucker hugged Joe so tightly as they got out. The Judge sentenced Garner to life in prison, and Tucker felt relief like he had never before. Once out of the courtroom, he texted Paige, letting her know about the verdict.

Tucker and Joe were walking out of the building together, discussing things about the case. Tucker looked ahead of him to see Callum waiting outside, leaning against his car as he did so. Tucker smiled upon seeing the man, and walked towards him with Joe by his side.

"Hey there." Tucker grinned, giving Callum a quick peck on his lips.

"By the smile on your face I take it went well?" Callum asked, and Tucker nodded in response.

"Of course. It had to. Joe is the best DA this city has seen." Tucker looked at the older man beside him gratefully.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard great things. I'm Callum Kaufman." Callum said politely as he extended his arm.

"Joseph Santiago," Joe replied, shaking Callum's hand. Joe looked a little confused, and Tucker had some idea as to why, "I need to go over some notes with Kira. I'll see you at work tomorrow, Tucker. Pleasure to meet you Mr. Kaufman."

"Is it just me or was that a little awkward?" Callum asked once Joe walked back inside the building.

"You're probably not the person he would expect me to date," Tucker shrugged, "Might've been a shock for the old man."

"Fair," Callum nodded, "Are we on for dinner tonight?"

"Raincheck? I think I'm going to drive down to see my parents." Tucker said, Callum smiled in return, not having any objection, "Or maybe.. you could come?"

"You want to introduce me to your parents?" Callum was slightly taken aback. After all it had only been a few weeks since they started dating officially, despite having a thing for months prior to that.

"Technically you've already met them at Paige's wedding." Tucker replied.

"Yeah but that was as Paige's co-worker, not your boyfriend." Callum said, making Tucker chuckle.

"Look at you being adorable and calling yourself her co-worker and not her boss," Tucker said, lightly pinching Callum's cheek, "If you're not ready to meet my parents then that's fine. Just know that I'm okay with it as long as you are too."

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