Chapter 24

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'That is not the answer I want! ' My mate bellowed in rage, pushing his office chair backwards as he stood. The ferocious stare he pinned on his Beta and Theo had them fidgeting on their feet. I stood unfazed by his office window, observing the scene evolve, with my arms crossed over my upper abdomen.

'Alpha, we have searched everywhere, there's no sign of that wizard. ' Either Theo didn't have any idea that his statement was just fueling Ryker's rage, or he genuinely wanted to ease of the temperatures that had began to rise up.

'We did it both man and animal in turns and still nothing useful turned up. ' Jayson spoke lowly, shifting on his feet at the high levels of Alpha testosterone that oozed from my mate.

'Pathetic!' The shout came off as if the words were forced out of his mouth, in between teeth that were pressed together.

'Are you trying to say that, that devil incarnate vanished without a trace? ' A roar of temper heated up his office more, making Theo spot visible sweat droplets on his forehead. I had no doubt in my mind that had I not been Ryker's mate, I would have been down on one knee in submission. The immense power his rage pushed forward, washed over our bond. I could feel the waves of steam flooding the thread that held us together.

'Alpha please! ' Theo pleaded, his Adam apple visibly and audibly bobbing as he forced saliva down his throat. He sent a quick glance at my man, then took a step backward as he took in the incandescent form Alpha Ryker was in.

Frustrated, raging and helpless.

I could read them on his face crystal, not dissimilar from what the bond was depicting. Both man and beast wanted to get hold of Addanc in their arms, and only then would they be able to let go. Until he laid his eyes again on him, he would frustrate every single warrior to make sure his order would be followed and carried out.

'Even Tyron couldn't pin point the smell of him, it is as if he wasn't even here. ' My friend's mate added more reason to their previous answer, but the alpha male was having none of it.

'Fucking give me something, anything! ' He slammed his palms with a resounding thump on the table, the sound making me suddenly flinch. He wasn't thinking clearly so it seemed, the rising rage was nothing but solid proof.

'Yes Alpha. ' Jayson nodded, avoiding any eye contact. He knew that the male that stood him was still his friend, but the Alpha instincts in him had entirely kicked in. I knew he would tease him later when he calmed down, but until then, he had no choice but to show utmost respect.

'With all due respect Alpha, the wizard was in the pack lands and you let him escape. ' Theo mumbled, and even I didn't have werewolf hearing but I still heard him.

'Theo. ' Jayson shot him a side glance.

'What? It's true, why didn't you task us with catching him then when he was around. We wouldn't be searching for him right now had you given the right call then. '

In a speed that a human eye couldn't comprehend, he had wrapped his hand around Theo's neck. The strength that this man possessed was unheard off, and even one of the best warriors couldn't compare to it. He towered over his cousin, looking down on him with his other fist clenched tightly.

'You dare challenge me! ' He spat the words, barring his growing incisors at Theo. His eyes had totally blackened, his voice had deepened a lot more. I could see a line of fur begin to grow above below his neck. His wolf had totally taken over and that meant destruction if something wasn't done.

'I am going to show you who the Alpha is here. ' He squeezed his fingers around the warrior's neck, making him flail his arms in an attempt to pry off the hand. It was all futile because the man in front of him was already half animal and soon he would face. My mind snapped back to how his wolf had annihilated Jax and I swear I didn't wish it on Theo.

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