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I saw hiccup and Keeley - Keeley ran into my arms "mommy!! Daddy was silly!" I kiss her head.

"Where you being silly, hiccup?" He put his hands up "No I promise" I laugh and kiss him "ewww!" I stopped and looked at Keeley covering her eyes.

1o years later

I saw Keeley with tears in her eyes, hiccup was getting up. "I'll talk to her" I smile at his and kiss him. I go to her room, "Keeley?"

"Not now mom" she looked up at me with her green eyes, she had green eyes and brown hair like hiccup - she a lot like hiccup.

"What happen?"

"He leaving!" She hugs me "I felt like - I can't see him anymore!"

"It's okay you'll find someone else, you just need to move on, hm do you know what your name means?" She shakes her head.

"It means war, lively in irish - means your strong! Like me... Unlike your father" she giggled "okay thanks mom"

"You so much like you father - "

"Except the strong part"

"Yep - " I was cut off

"Except the strong part?" We turned around and saw hiccup

"Busted" Keeley laughs.


"So your saying I'm not strong?"

"Well... "

"Not" Keeley fake coughs

"Well who was the one who saved you?"

"You" I say

"Who almost died?"


"Exactly! Me!" Hiccup laughs

"Wait, wait, wait what!?" Keeley looked confused "saved! Killed! What kind life did you have!?"

"A special one"I smile

"What to hear the story?" Hiccup asked

"No - " I started

"Yes! Romantic one!" Keeley said

"It's like Cinderella! I'm Cinderella" hiccup pointed at himself.

"I didn't not need to know that! That a bit uncomfortable for me, dad!" He just laughs and starts tell her...

"Well um that's.... Different!"

"I know" he laughs

"But I love the way he asked you to marry him!"

"Pretty cheesy" I giggle, she nodes giggling too.

"Hey! I put a lot of effort in it - my friends from Paris came!"

"Oh jack and the others?"

"Yea" he nodes "okay who is up for a takeaway because I don't feel like cooking or you too!" He laughs

"I want pizza!" Keeley smiles

"Okay race you to my phone - first one there gets to choose what we getting"

"Fair enough" Keeley smiles and gets ready to run - hiccup not going to win, Keeley fast!

"Go!" They both ran downstairs "where my phone!?" I laugh, looking at them looking for the phone.

This is my family, we not normal- but still my family and I love it, I won't change for the world!

I looked around me, I face palm the phone was on Keeley's bed wow!

I took it "I have it!" I shout to them, they both looked up "give it to me mom!" "No! Give it to me! You know me longer then her!" Hiccup and Keeley started to run up the stairs - pushing each other. "Give it!" They both said "" I smirked "what!? Come on!" The looked upset "mommmmm!!" "Astrid!!" I laughed at them and shook my head "fine then" Keeley took her phone out "I have a way - in your face dad!" Hiccup glared at her and took her iphone "ha! In your face!" "Dad! Mom!" They started to fight for the iphone. "Haha!!" Hiccup called the pizza place, "in your face!" Keeley glared at him "is that how you treat your - beautiful, prefect - daughter?" He just laughed

I laughed - we are definitely not a normal family.

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