Chapter 29

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It was rumoured that Harry Potter and his friends were at the department of mysteries to steal what Voldemort desired.

We arrived and could see Harry, his friends and a couple of Aurors. Lucius decided he should be the first to reveal himself so Bella and I stayed hidden.

"Where's Sirius?" we heard the boy ask. Bella huffed at the mention of his name. I think she is still bothered that we never actually got to hurt the boys all those years ago. "You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams... and reality. You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy" Lucius said sternly.

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it" Harry demanded. "As if Lucius would do anything to hurt them, watch this" Bella said and she started walking towards them. "Bellatrix don't" I whisper shouted. But it was too late.

"He knows how to play! Itty, bitty, baby. Potter!" she mimicked. "Bellatrix Black" a young boy stated, clearly scared. "Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad"

I had now also revealed myself and was cackling beside my girlfriend. "Y/N Y/L/N? Better, now they're about to be avenged" Neville said, trying to seem tough.

I scoffed, "what is a little boy like you going to do to two powerful, dark wizards like us?" I tormented. "Now, let's everybody just calm down... shall we? All we want is that prophecy"

I was annoyed that Lucius stopped anything from escalating but never mind. "Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?" Harry questioned.

Bella was getting angrier and angrier, "you dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood" she shouted. I discreetly reached for her hand to try and calm her but she yanked it away. I noticed a blonde girl was observing so I moved over to the other side of Lucius.

It annoyed me that she was showing no care towards me, like she usually does. At least I know where I lie between work and her relationship.

Before I knew it, spells were being cast in all directions. We left the department of mysteries and managed to grab them.

Bella had hold of Longbottom and I had hold of little Luna Lovegood. I had her by the hair so I bent down and whispered in her ear "you saw nothing alright. I did not grab Bellatrix's hand, got it" she was breathing heavily and managed for a quiet "yes" to escape her lips. "Good" I yelled and tightened my grip on her head.

"Did you actually believe... or were you truly naive enough to think... that children stood a chance against us? I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now... or watch your friends die" Lucius snarled.

Bella cackled and Neville winced. But she soon shut up when a voice screamed "get away from my Godson"

It was Sirius, the man Bella longed to kill all those years ago. The hatred she had for her cousin was undeniable.

I watched as she let go of Longbottom and began duelling with Sirius. She soon disarmed him but what she yelled next is what satisfied me. "Avada Kedavra" green light shot out of her wand and hit her cousin.

His expression dropped and he slowly faded away. I let Luna drop to the floor and I ran up to my girlfriend who was now happily squealing "I killed Sirius Black" and laughing.

Harry managed to break free from Lupins grasp and started to chase her. My cheeks flushed red and I chased after them both. Lucius swiftly following behind me.

"You coming to get me?" she taunted. "Not now Bella, don't play games" I yelled at her. "Crucio" Harry yelled but merely threw her to the floor.

"You've got to mean it Harry" Voldemort whispered from the other end of the ministry. My heart was pounding, was the love of my life just about to be murdered before my eyes?

I was frozen to the spot. "She killed him. She deserves it. You know the spell, Harry. Do it" Voldemort demanded. I wanted to kill the man myself. How dare he order Bella to death.

I just wish I knew at the time that Harry didn't have the nerve and that Voldy was just tormenting him. Bella smirked and crawled away from the boy who was staring at his enemy. Bellatrix managed to crawl into the floo network and disappear.

I turned to Lucius while Harry and Voldemort were deep in conversation and mouthed "let's go"

We quickly followed Bellas steps and soon enough, we were in Malfoy manor.

Bellatrix was already there with Cissy. I was so angry with her, "you could have gotten yourself killed Bellatrix, you bloody idiot" I yelled. She just smiled which angered me even further, "oh come on Y/N, it was fun"

Part of me wanted to admit she was right but I couldn't tell her that. "Oh yes Bellatrix, it was so fun for me to have to watch you almost get yourself killed. You do remember that I am your girlfriend right?"

She frowned at my question. "Of course I do, what are you implying?" she looked slightly worried. "When I reached for your hand, you shook me off and acted like I was irrelevant. It hurt you know" I said quietly, almost as if I was scared to admit my feelings to her.

She stood up and lifted my chin up with her hand but I refused to look at her. "Look at me. Y/N, look at me" she demanded so I obeyed. "I love you. I really do. I'm sorry if I hurt you tonight. I guess I let the thrill of this job get the better of me. I promise to be more careful and acknowledge you"

I caressed her cheek with my hand and smiled, "you better, or you will have to be punished" I said smirking. "Oh really?" she laughed.

"Can you two please do that elsewhere!" Lucy interrupted. "Be quiet Elsa" Bella snarled.

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