Chapter 26

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Many years later!

"He has been found!" Lucius burst in screaming. "Wait Lucy, who?" Bellatrix laughed. "Don't call me that Bellatrix. The dark lord has been found and he will rise again" he exclaimed. It was like music to my ears. After all these years, I will finally be able to be myself and return to doing what I love the most.

"There will be a meeting held tomorrow, at Malfoy manor. You are both expected to be there" Lucius stated before leaving.

"He is back! Bella, he is back" I cried in joy, grabbing her hands and pulling her up. I danced around the living room, Bella watching in awe. "Wait! I have to decide on what to wear" I said, then trying to leave.

I felt Bella grab my wrist, "no you don't. Just wear a nice dress and you will be fine" she said with a smile. "I can't believe he is finally back" I said with a calm sigh. "Me either. Hey, do you want to do something fun?" she asked.

"Do you want to go and kill people?" my face lit up. "Yes! Yes, please. Let's go!" I jumped up and down. "Y/N calm down, you are literally a toddler sometimes" Bellatrix laughed.

We put on our hooded cloaks and apparated into muggle London. "This is for the dark lord, people need to know that he is rising again and that he should be feared" she said. "Wait Bella, I think I might be a little rusty" I said sadly.

She cupped my face and pressed her lips into mine. "That's alright pet. We just need to kill a couple of people then we can go" I nodded happily. We decided to fly around the Millenium bridge in a spiral motion.

It is a busy bridge and it means that we won't be recognised.

As we spiralled around it, the expansions began to tighten. It was going to collapse any minute. I began to fly faster, so did Bella. We immediately broke away causing the bridge to give way, it had been bouncing up and down until the wires snapped.

Thousands plummeted to their deaths as Bella and I watched from a distance. I turned to face her, "that was very therapeutic, don't you think?" She bit her bottom lip and smiled.

Once again, she held my face in her hands and kissed me passionately. "I love you so much Y/N" I smiled at the twinkle in her eye, "I love you more Bellatrix"

Bellatrix's accompliceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora