Chapter 7

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Today is the day! We finally get to start our journey at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I am so excited about going but I don't want to leave Cissy or Druella. I still haven't told Bella the whole truth about what I saw that night. If I did, I just know it would break her.

I woke up a lot earlier than I expected so I got up to get dressed. I went into my own room so that I didn't wake Bella. She could be very cranky if she is woken too early. Definitely not a morning person.

I turned on the shower and took out my robes and folded them neatly on the bed so that it had time to heat up.

I went back into the bathroom and undressed. I stepped into the shower and let the water hit my back. I wet my hair before washing it with my favourite raspberry shampoo. "I need to get some more of this, I'm running out" I sighed to myself.

Soon enough I was finished so I stepped out and wrapped myself in my towel. I wiped the condensation off my mirror before drying myself off. I was always taught to wipe down the mirror after a shower by my mother, there was never a reason why. However, doing it makes me feel like I am making her proud, even if it's just wiping down a mirror.

I used my wandless magic to dry my hair off again before reentering my bedroom. I sat at my desk and did some light makeup to look presentable on my first day. I noticed that it was now 7:30 so I went back into Bella's room.

I opened the door slowly and noticed she was still sleeping. I decided it would be funny to pounce on her.

I ran up to the bed and jumped, I made sure not to actually land on her though. She screamed which made her shoot up. "Y/N oh my merlin. You gave me the fright of my life" she said before lying back down. "Oh no you don't!" I yelled, shaking her. "You are not going back to sleep Bellatrix Black. You have to get ready!" I exclaimed.

"Five more minutes!" she moaned into the pillow. "Absolutely not! We need to leave for the train in an hour so get up" she groaned loudly as I pulled the covers back so she was forced to get up.

"I will get your robes out for you while you grab a shower, then I'll meet you downstairs," I said strictly while smiling. "Yes, mother" she joked and walked into her bathroom. I laughed then went back into my own room to get changed.

I pulled my robes on and took a look in the mirror. I imagined the colours to turn green to represent the Slytherin house. They stayed the same though, plain black with the Hogwarts crest on the front of the tie.

I made my way downstairs and into the dining room where I was greeted by Druella, Narcissa and Andromeda. As I sat down, I was given a dirty look from 'Dromeda so I returned one. I glanced over at Druella and she was watching the whole interaction. I couldn't care less though.

I took a few bites of my toast but couldn't eat any more because of how nauseous I felt. "Darling, please eat your toast. You have a long journey ahead" I heard Druella say so I painfully took another bite.

Bella finally walked in and as she sat down, Andromeda got up and left. Bella looked at me smirking which made me choke on my water. "How are you girls feeling about your first day?" Druella asked, completely ignoring what just happened. Bella just shrugged and said 'fine'. But I had more to say "I'm actually quite nervous. What if I don't get put in Slytherin?" Druella laughed a little before replying.

"Darling, your house doesn't define you. I would love you the same if you were a Hufflepuff as I would if you were a Slytherin. I know you want to make your parents proud but believe me, you are already! Every day" I gave her a big smile. Leaving her here will be hard but I know I haven't got a choice.

"Come on then girls, we best be leaving". We both got up to grab our luggage then apparate to kings cross station. We held Druella's arms and she took us directly onto platform nine and three quarters.

"I don't have long I'm sorry. Good luck girls, I love you both very much. Please make sure to write to me every day!" We made a promise and we were going to stick to it. She apparated away and we made it onto the train. We found an empty compartment but were later joined by Rodolphus Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy.

"I'm sorry about your parents Y/N" Rodolphus said almost immediately after sitting down. I thanked him bluntly. "Why don't you seem bothered?" Lucius asked. I laughed, "well, it happened a while ago and I've had my time to grieve" I said shrugging my shoulders. "You're so weird" I thanked him smugly causing him to scoff.

Lucius and I had never gotten along. We would always avoid each other at parties and meals. The four of our families were close but my parents were closest to the Black's.

The train journey was a pleasant one. Bella and I conversed with the boys well and spent most of the ride laughing. As much as I dislike them sometimes, they are good friends.

The train eventually came to a stop and we made our way into the castle.

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