Chapter 2

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!!TW!!- loss of a loved one/ bullying

I was sat in my room, tormenting the family cat. I had her favourite toy mouse and we were playing contently on my bed. My mother burst through the door suddenly causing the cat to jump off my bed and run away.

"Y/N, you need to get dressed. We are taking you to Cygnus and Druella's house so that your father and I can go out tonight" I nodded at her and she left. I expect that I will be staying the night so I put some pyjamas and spare clothes into a bag. I walked over to my wardrobe and chose a pretty black dress to wear.

I often stay over at Cygnus and Druella's because they're close family friends. My parents are death eaters so they work closely with Cygnus for the dark lord. I have never met the dark lord myself but I have heard great things about him from my parents.

"Y/N! We need to leave, are you almost ready" I rolled my eyes before shouting "I'm coming" down the stairs. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs to join my mother and father. I grabbed their hands and we apparated to the House of Black.

We landed outside their house and my father knocked on the door. Shortly after, the doors flung open to reveal a beautiful woman "Good afternoon Druella. Is Cygnus ready?" My father asked, she nodded before turning to me. She bent down and said "Y/N darling, why don't you come inside. Dinner will be ready shortly" I nodded and stepped inside.

Cygnus came relatively quickly and joined my parents. They looked like a gothic trio, I knew it was a business trip they had to attend. I waved my parents off and they apparated away. Druella closed the doors again.

"You know where to find me if you need me, darling. Bellatrix is in her bedroom" she said smiling before returning to Narcissa. She is only six, therefore needs to be kept an eye on.

I walked up the grand staircase and along the corridor. I halted outside her door. I knocked twice before letting myself in. "Hey, Bella! Did you miss me?" I said running to her and pulling us into a hug. "Y/N! I didn't know you were coming!" I giggled pulling apart. "Neither did I until about ten minutes ago". We both laughed, just happy to see each other.

Bellatrix is my best friend. We have been close our whole lives since our parents are such good friends. We often have family meals together and there is never a time we aren't invited to each other's parties.

Both of our families are part of the 'sacred twenty-eight'. This means my family and Bella's family are one of the largest, oldest and wealthiest pure-blooded wizarding families in Great Britain.

"What do you want to do until dinner is ready?" Bella asked. I didn't have to think twice before saying "let's prank Andromeda!" We both smirked at the thought of being mean to her.

Andromeda Black is the most mundane child I have ever met. She and Bella fight like cat and dog, I like to join in on the fun whenever I can. Narcissa is a sweetheart though, I enjoy spending time with her because we share a lot of the same interests.

Dromeda was never happy to see me and often death glares me across the dinner table. So being mean to her sort of comes naturally I guess.

We headed to the library which is where she is usually found. We peered around the door to see her sitting under a lamp, her nose in a book.

We crept around her and behind one of the shelves in which she was sat under. We silently counted to three before pushing the books off of the shelf and on top of her.

She let out a ghastly scream and we ran away in fits of giggles. "Did you hear that? She sounded like a screaming banshee" Bella exclaimed through laughter. I nodded abruptly, leaning against a wall to keep balanced.

We high fived before walking down the corridor to the dining room. We spent the whole walk there trying to contain our laughter otherwise Druella would get suspicious.

As we sat down, the food began to appear. We were dining on cornish pasties and vegetables this evening. It wasn't my favourite but I had to be polite so I began eating.

Andromeda walked in late and her face was bright red in anger. "Dromeda darling, why are you late?" Druella asked as she sat down in a huff, glaring at the two of us. We sniggered under our breaths as she replied "sorry mother, I had a bunch of books dropped on me so I am late because I was putting them away"

She shot us a callous glare before starting to eat. I noticed Druella was looking at us disapprovingly so I nudged Bella under the table. She had already noticed.

Before Druella got the chance to speak, Cygnus apparated into the dining room, alone. His robes were dishevelled and he was covered in blood. "Where are my mother and father?" I asked, beginning to panic.

He shook his head lightly as Druella stood up and rushed over to him. "Here darling, take a seat, please. Whatever has happened?" Cygnus sat down and took a long, deep breath.

"We were called out on a mission. So as the dark lords most loyal followers, we went to complete the task. But, we were ambushed. Many didn't make it. I had to apparate in order to survive"

Narcissa was crying at this point and Bella was holding my hand under the table. "But, what about my parents?" I choked. "Y/N, I am so sorry. They were caught in a crossfire. It was too late to save them. But at least they died together"

My heart broke. My parents were gone. I looked down at my plate as a tear ran down my cheek. Bella pulled me into a hug. Everything felt numb, my head went all fuzzy.

The image of them dying couldn't escape my head.

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