Chapter 1

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"Beth will you go out with me. I have liked you for a while now and i just thought maybe i should tell you..." Stiles says. I smile up at him.

"Yes! Id love to go out with you!" I blush.

"Really?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yeah ive liked you for a while now too!" I smile at him.

"This is so great! I have a girlfriend!" He smiles.

"I have a boyfriend!" I jump. He picks me up and spins me around. I laugh and he kisses me on the cheek. He puts me down and Scott walks over to us.

"Are you still coming over after school?" He asks.

"Yeah! I have to help you with that thing!" Stiles says and rubs the back of his neck.

"Stiles she knows. Derek bit her a while ago." My brother tells Stiles.

"Oh wow. I didnt know that." He looks down at me and smiles.

"Wait." Scott says and looks at Stiles then me then back at Stiles.

"She said yes?" He asks. Stiles nods and Scott hugs him.

"My best friend! And my little sister!" He laughs.

"Hey im not your little sister!" I say. I was born 5 minutes and twenty seven seconds before Scott.

"Well your shorter than me so therefore you are my little sister!" He smiles. I flip him off and then the bell rings. I walk to class and take my seat down at the back of the classroom.

"Hi Issac!" I smile.

"So tell me. Did he ask you out today?" He asks.

"Yes!" I grin.

"Good! Derek is going to love this!" Issac says. Scott walks in the classroom and i make Issac stay silent. He chuckles and passes me a note.

Just try not to catch feelings Beth!

I stifle a laugh as i read it.

"Miss McCall would you like to share whats so funny?" The teacher asks.

"No thanks!" I say.

"Well i think you should share it to the class!" He says.

"Yeah Beth! Share with the class!" Issac whispers.

"Stop!" I turn around and laugh at Issac.

"Miss McCall!" He says.

"You know what. Just skip to the point. 'Bethany! Principles office!' Honestly hurry up man!" I tell him.

"Bethany principles office!" He says and i stand up.

"Its Miss McCall to you!" I walk out and blow Stiles a kiss. I go to the office and slump down on the seat outside that might aswell have my name carved into it.

"Beth McCall! To what do i owe the pleasure?" The principal sighs.

"The teacher has something against me!" I smile.

"You used that one yesterday!" He says.

"Well fuck! Im fresh out of excuses! This has been fun. Same time tommorrow? Great see you then!" I say and stand to walk away.

"Beth wait!" He sighs.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Why are you like this? Is there something wrong at home?" He asks.

"Yeah because all my problems are caused at home!" I roll my eyes.

"Come on. Talk to me!" He says.

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