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The court was now in session as the judge, jury and executioners were revving up their metaphorical engines to run these two down to the dirt.

Y/n: oh yeah, I forgot to ask after all this time.... who the fuck is the Lord we pissed off?

He asked his companions as he and Kazuma still had no idea on who the fuck was sentencing them to death over the destruction of their property.

Emerald: well, its that guy over there.

Emerald pointed out as the two boys look over to see an overweight man with blonde hair and mustache, sitting in the defendant seat while he rubs the tips of his mustache.

Y/n: oh. Yeah we definitely are fucked.

Y/n claims as he knew that a lord who looks like the ugly bastard in every hentai would be corrupt as hell and would abuse his position's power to get what he wants. That being both of their heads in wooden platers.

Aqua: hey guys, is it just me or is he eyeing us?

Aqua inquires as they notice that the lords eyes were fixated on them. More specifically the girls.

Darkness: Lord Aldarp.

After their short conversation with eachother, the trial now starts as the Judge ordered the prosecutor to step forward.

Sena: A Crime that threatens someone with the station of the lord is a threat to the nation itself.

Y/n: lord be built like a nation too.

Y/n whispered over to Kazuma who snickered in return.

Sena: as such, the accused, Satou Kazuma, is charged with subversion of state's power. Bring forth the witness!

Sena exclaims. The witness then walks up to the stand who was then revealed to be Chris.

Y/n and Kazuma: Chris!

They say in hopefulness as they believed that Chris would save them from this trial.

Chris: he he... I guess they called me down for this.

She says. Sen then approaches Chris who was on the witness stand to ask her some questions.

Sena: so, miss Chris. Is it correct to assume that one of the accused used steal on you in a public place and stripped you of your underwear?


Y/n screamed as he had something to say in the matter.

Judge: what is it Mr. L/n?

Y/n: this evidence has no relevance to the case whatsoever!

Y/n explains.

Sena: how so?

Sena then asks him about his point.

Y/n: the case is about subversion of state. Not sexual harassment. How does this evidence provide any leverage for you in the case of us being national terrorists as you all claim we are! This evidence you are providing only serves to prove that my good friend Kazuma is nothing but a pervy scumbag of a person.

Kazuma: yea- wait... hey!

everyone stood silent, thinking about his point on the matter.

Sena: well, I guess you do hav-

As Sena was about to admit to it, Aldarp was not having that shit. The lord looks over to the Judge and gave him the stink eye to which the judge gave into out of fear of himself.

Judge: o-overruled. The prosecutor may continue.

The judge says reluctantly as Sena looked back at the judge surprised.

a WEEB goes adventuring: a Konosuba x Malereader story S2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz