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Midoriya's POV
After introductions were made, we sat around chatting, through I was quiet through most of it. I had a hard time paying attention, whether my mind wandered to Todoroki, or my lack of sleep was catching up to me. The three from the village were retelling a story of something Kaminari did when he was little, but my mind was with Todoroki in the other room. When was he going to wake up? And how long before he can travel? I didn't want to stay too long in case monsters came. I didn't to put the others in danger.

"I'll be right back," I excused myself. I went to Todoroki's room where he slept. Ever since All for One spoke to me last night, I began to see how much I really cared for Todoroki. I sat on the bed next to him, but he was still asleep. It was calming, watching his chest slowly rise and fall. It didn't look like he would be waking up anytime soon so I took his hand in mine. I didn't know how much time had passed but I was content sitting with Todoroki quietly.

There was a knock on the door and I jumped. I pulled my hand away from Todoroki's as the door opened. Uraraka poked her head in.

"Hey. Your friend, Iida, mentioned that you hurt you ribs recently and he asked me to heal them for you," She explained coming fully into the room.

"If it isn't too much trouble," I smiled gratefully. She had me pull my shirt off and she quickly examined my side, poking at it lightly. She started muttering something I couldn't understand and her hand hovered over my injury. Pink light came from her palm and I felt the bones adjust themselves on their own. I was uncomfortable but I did my best to sit still.

"There, all better!" She said with a smile. I pulled my shirt and vest back on. My side ache didn't anymore and it felt as good as new.

"Thank you," I said.

"That's my job," She responded. The she left me with Todoroki again. I decide to go out and see the others again. Iida noticed me come out.

"We are going back to the village soon. I wanted to see the prince one more time," He explained, "I don't know what you plan to do but I think you should come back to the village with us. I don't want to crowd Uraraka and Tsu's home."

"Yeah, I'll come back with you guys," I said, though I wanted to stay with Todoroki. What if he woke up and none of us were here? Iida nodded and went to the prince's room. He came back out soon after.

"Is everyone ready to go back?" Iida asked the group. They nodded and agreed and I followed them through the door. We took my horse so it could stay in the stables. Then we made our way to the village.

Kirishima's POV
While we walked back Mina motioned for me to walk next to her. She had a look in her eyes like she had gossip to tell me. I left Bakugou and walked faster until we were walking side by side.

"I have a question," She announced. I nodded to show I was listening. "Are you dating Bakugou?" I felt a blush spread across my face.

"W-what?" I stuttered, "Why do you... uh... think that?" I knew Bakugou wanted keep our relationship a secret and he wouldn't want anyone to know, especially someone we just met.

"He seems really comfortable around you and you two get along well, which seems difficult for him," She glanced back at Bakugou, who was scowling at her. I didn't know what to tell her. I didn't want to lie but Bakugou didn't want me to tell. Then again she already guessed it herself.

"Yeah, we are, but you can't tell anyone. Katsuki isn't comfortable with telling people yet," I say quietly.

"Your secret is save with me!" She gave me a thumb up. I smiled gratefully.

"Thanks, I'm going to go keep Katsuki company," I say. I slowed down until I was walking next to my boyfriend.

"What did she want?" He asked. Then I got nervous. Butterflies angrily swarmed my stomach.

"Well..." I tried to find a good way to word it, "She wanted to know if we were in a relationship... and I said we were." I decided to continue before he could get mad. "I know you didn't want me to tell but I didn't want to lie to her and she already guessed it, and we've been dating for a while and you still want to keep it a secret. I couldn't help myself."

"I-Do you want to tell people?" He asked, "If your ready then I guess I'm okay with it." I couldn't help but smile.

"I'm ready," I slipped my hand into his with a grin. I noticed him smile a little before he caught himself and hid it with his usual scowl. Mina looked back at us and winked at me.

When we got back to the village I decided it would be best to tell Iida and Midoriya about Bakugou and I during lunch. I discussed it with Bakugou and he said he didn't care. So after Mina, Sero, and Kaminari left to do their own thing we went back to the inn. Midoriya's horse was left in the stable with our other horse and we talked to Kayama about Midoriya staying with us. We ordered lunch and found a table to sit around.

"I have some news," I started. Iida and Midoriya looked to me showing I had their attention. I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across my face. "Bakugou and I are dating." They were quiet for a moment and Midoriya looked confused. Finally he leaned over to Iida.

"Are we supposed to be surprised," He whispered but I could still hear him. A blush spread across my face.

"What!?" Bakugou slammed his hands on the table. His face was just as red as mine. "What do you mean!" Iida and Midoriya looked to the both of us.

"You two are kinda obvious. Your 'sleepover'? Kacchan was all flustered and could barely explain," Midoriya said. I hadn't realized we were that obvious.

"Shut up, Deku!" Bakugou yelled. I could tell he was getting flustered and I couldn't help but giggle. Bakugou tried to fight Midoriya and Iida started to attempt to split them up. I had to grab Bakugou and hold him back. Eventually Bakugou settled down and sat in his seat with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face.

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