I texted Katlyn too. She told me she and the girls will see us later. Apparently well be having a small meet and greet with the Toma team. I told Silas this and he said Tiffany couldn't make it. She had a mission to go on.

I remember the day I met Katlyn. It was inside the fears market. I fucking carted her ankles because Luke tossed in cookies in the cart and I wasn't looking where I was going. We hit it off. I recognized her from a bird team we help in the past, her friend Tiffany are on the same team and we hook her up with Silas.

That was about 4 months ago. Were all still taking things slow and it's going good. That thoughts brings me back to Luke. How could Summer do that to him? We walked down and I found Luke sitting on the hood of the jeep, I let it sly this time.

"Ready?" I asked him and he jump off and got into the back seat as I unlocked the doors. The drive there was quiet and a bit uncomfortable. I kept looking back in the rear view, Luke was daydreaming out the window. He phone went off with an incoming text message as I stopped at a stop light.

He smiled and texted back. Who was he texting?

We made it before Kota and Nathan. Everyone was in the living room, the door back doors fully open to let in the nice summer breeze and the great view that over looked the town from a good distance. The pool shimmered and looked tempting. Everyone seemed to be on their phones for a couple minutes until the last two of our brothers got in.

"Okay, now that we're all here. I would like to start by telling you the academy hospital has received a significant amount of donations. Dr. Green wasn't able to find Dr. Song last night. So, Mr. Morgan, we will need your help to contact her and set up meet. Dr. Roberts wants her to work with the hospital."
Owen explained them Victor spoke up.

"I can do that after the meeting." Victor voice while Dr. Green and Mr. B nodded.

"Good. Well this next topic you all probably know about, if not then ask your questions until after we get an insight. Mr. Taylor Sr. As your team lead it has come to my attention that you and Miss Taulle ended your relationship?" Luke didn't look at Mr. B, he simply nodded.

"Care to explain?"

"Summer and I haven't been on the same page for awhile now. I've been noticing her distance and lack of communication with me. I'd see her on her phone all the time, I knew it was another guy. Someone she was more into and made her more happy. Last night I confronted her. She lied to my face, when I asked Victor to check her text messages through his system....I ended it right there." That bitch! My anger rose as I watch my brother feel embarrassed and loss.

"We'll were here for you," I said. Luke didn't look at me.

"Mr. Coleman, I hear you have done something familiar?" Mr. B asked Gabe. What now? I looked at Silas, he didn't know. Vic nor Doc knew anything either. Kota, Nathan and Luke had understanding impressions on their face. I looked at Gabe and asked with my eyes, when did this happen?

He sighed and rub his hands down his face, "yeah. I fucking broke up with Shay last night after the ball. In the limo before we dropped the girls off. She kept complaining about my shit. I just- I had enough. She was good for me in the beginning. Well I thought she was. She never supported me in my passion for things. Didn't let me have an opinion. I didn't feel like myself while I was around her, I felt more fucking judge than admired. She commented on our face masks I choose for everyone, said I needed to get real and be a man. I guess designing clothes and beauty products are more of a female job. Shit...I, I didn't want...." Gabe ran his hand through his blond hair and got up and walked outside.

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