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a while

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noun - a period of time

"I'm so happy to see you! How have you been?" I grinned.

He ran his hand through his unkept hair as smiled down at me. "I've been okay, getting fed up with looking for my mate. It's been a while since I've seen you."

"I didn't realise you were still looking. I thought you were focused on training." I sighed.

He shrugged. "I trained for the year and got my Gamma status at Harvest Moon pack last month. Then I thought I'd join the group, felt like I had to you know. A wolf sense. Who knew I'd find you again? Mum and Dad told me you had left!"

"Ah, I'm so proud of you!" I laughed and pulled him in for another hug. "I'm so glad you're here."

"Me too." He hummed. "But why are you here? They never really said. How long have you been here?"

I pulled away with a slight frown. "My mate, and about three months now, I think."

He growled under his breath. "And you're still unclaimed? What kind of dickhead do I gotta go beat some sense into?"

I laughed at him and swatted his bare chest when he glared at all the nearby wolves. "Don't be silly you'll get killed if you do."

He scowled down at me and crossed his arms. "So, it's either the super angry, huge Alpha, or the creepy skinhead Gamma coming towards us... Both look equally as pissed off."

I frowned and turned around just as Phoenix and Sean came to stand behind me. A sudden wave of protectiveness flooded me as I gazed at my brother. Phoenix gently placed me behind his back and Sean held onto my shoulder to keep me rooted. I protested but Sean glared down at me; he was in pack mode. Something I rarely saw from Sean, he was always just my friend, so I knew that I wouldn't be able to interfere as much.

"Who are you?" Phoenix spat; a few inches taller than Leo.

Leo glared at him, keeping his arms crossed to not appear threatened despite the "huge alpha" before him. He studied Phoenix then Sean and his grip on me. When he looked at me with a knowing smirk, Phoenix snarled. I shook my head, knowing what he was planning already.

Not the time to be annoying Leo.

"I take it it's this one." Leo mused, pointing his thumb at the Alpha.

Phoenix tensed and shot his hand out to grab Leo's throat. I shrieked and went to dart forward but Sean held onto my arm. I looked at him in desperation as Phoenix's grip tightened on his throat. Sean frowned down at me, confused and he shook his head.

I gasped. "Phoenix please-"

"I'll ask you one more time, who are you?" He growled, making Leo gasp for breath.

How's he supposed to talk with your hand around his damn throat?

"Let me go!" I growled at Sean. "Phoenix he's-"

"Not now Nova," Sean warned.

"No, you don't understand-"

"Well?" Phoenix taunted.

"My brother!" I shouted, making him freeze.

Phoenix loosened his grip slightly, his dark gaze turning to me as Leo gasped in the fresh air. "What?"

"He's my brother, please Phoenix," I begged, desperation in my eyes.

He grumbled and glanced between us before dropping his hand from Leo. I ran over to his hunched-over form and made sure he was okay.

Lost LunaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora