First on the list seemed to be a never-ending visit of various shops, all of which, Atsumu had previously mentioned taking an interest in. So who would Sakusa be if he let that information go to waste?

Their first stop, and to no surprise — was a volleyball stop. The last time he was in Tokyo, Atsumu seen an all-sports store he really wanted to visit, and so that's where Sakusa had taken him.

The two spent some time looking around, or more so, Atsumu happily dragged Sakusa along to look at some equipment. There were a few things the faux blonde needed, and by the time they left said store, he had everything on his list.

Next would've been a rather small yet interesting shop — to Atsumu at least, as last time he had been in Tokyo, this was yet another place he listed to visit some day. For one reason however, and that reason being? Keychains.

A little while back, the blonde setter had seen the what he labeled as the most adorable pair of keychains known to man, and hadn't let them leave his mind after that.

It was a simple pack with two clear song cover keychains, with a small opening in the back for the desired photo to be put in, and a clear spot on the front — right above the duration line, for one's desired song name and artist to be written.

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Sakusa of course would end up putting a picture of Atsumu smiling ever so sweetly while a starry night sky was reflected off the pristine waters at Hamarikyu Garden in the little slot, and his song of choice would be You Are The Sunshine Of My Life - Frank Sinatra.

Atsumu on the other hand, would end up putting a picture of Sakusa mid-giggle while holding Komori's puppy, an adorable little golden retriever. And his song of choice would be, just like Sakusa's — You Are The Sunshine Of My Life - Frank Sinatra.

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In Atsumu's mind, the paired keychains were a must have and after a quick few minute trip in and out of the store, he'd gotten exactly what he wanted.

Now, the second last, which happened to undoubtably be the faux blonde's favourite stop yet — would've been an All too familiar Pokémon based store.

To make that trip a long story short, a good hour later, Atsumu walked out with a bright smile and many, many bags. Surprisingly enough, he even convinced Sakusa to get a few things, yet nothing compared to the bags of plush's, card packs plus the occasional limited edition card packs, a bunch of collectables, and much more the blonde setter left with.

It was only after visiting said store that Atsumu managed to get Sakusa to cave in on anywhere he'd been interested in, which happened to be a new bakery that opened up not too far from his place. So, that's where the duo headed.

First of all, the interior of the bakery was stunning — painted of warm hues and mixed with the smell of fresh baked goods, the place seemed wonderful. And considering it look well maintained, Sakusa and Atsumu decided on staying a while.

While there, the two ordered a few things, all of which — tasted amazing. Something Atsumu was so going to brag to Osamu about, but that really came as no surprise.

Every moment at their little bakery stop, was like that of a miraculous dream, it all seemed so surreal. Being in such a warm, loving environment, sweet scents filling the air while hearing the occasional soft giggles from that you love the most — it was perfect.

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