(59) Forced Deal

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This chapter will make you shocked, scared, happy, sad, angry and many emotions.

Basically drama at its peak.

So enjoy! 😂

Dimitri's POV:

My men hadn't come back after the attack except for that one messenger I sent so I knew they're either dead or have been captured.

What matters to me is that my letter was received by Valentina. So my plan is in motion now.

"Why can't you just kidnap her and use her against her family Dimitri? You know that she would make a good leverage", Enis frowns.

Oliver and Kevin agreed with Enis and looked at me frustrated.

"She is more of an advantage to us when she is with them rather than hostage with me", I said chuckling.

Those three look at me like I've lost my mind.

"What? That doesn't even make sense Dimitri. Valentina is a very priced possession to them and you know it", Oliver rolled his eyes.

I shake my head and sigh.

"Can you just explain what exactly have you planned?", Kevin asked curiously.

"I'm not gonna use the same trick all over again. I already had Costellos as my hostages. That didn't help me much even though it was a good plan. So now I have another plan to help us get what we want", I smirked.

"And that is?", Oliver asked impatiently.

"Divide and rule", I smirk evilly.

They look at me curiously and then slowly realised what I'm talking about.

"Really? You wanna create a fued between the Costello brothers that too using Valentina?", Enis shakes his head in disbelief.

"No. Of course not. I know it's practically impossible to create a fued between them. Alessandro, Leonardo and Antonio are so close that nothing and I mean nothing can tear them apart. And even if I somehow manage to do that you think their parents will let that happen?", I scoff.

"Kill their parents then", Kevin shrugged.

"It's not that easy", Oliver rolled his eyes.

"Okay..let's say I do manage to get their parents out of the way too. We still have a big wall standing in between", I said seriously

"Roberto", Enis nodded in understanding.

"Exactly. Roberto is a very strong and smart man. He will die before he let his family fall apart. He and his wife have taught their kids and grandkids everything they can about their so called family values. So Roberto will never let anything come between his grandchildren.. assuming Vincenzo and his brothers aren't in the picture", I shrug.

"True", Kevin nods sighing.

"You have thought this out so what is this 'divide and rule' you're talking about?", Oliver asked.

"We can't create a fued between the brothers of course but we sure as hell can between the brothers and their friends", I smirk.

"What do you mean?", Oliver asked curiously.

"We have the strength of two mafias. Oliver and mine. So we can in terms of numbers go against two other mafias. That is Alessandro and Leonardo. But Rafael is my problem. The Spanish mafia helping the other two is gonna be a big issue for us. So, my plan is to stop that from happening", I shrug smirking.

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