Chapter Seventy Four

Start from the beginning

It's quiet for a minute as Liam drinks his water, he's still crying steadily, sobs wracking his body, but his body is starting to feel numb, as if he's been given some kind of anaesthetic, making his limbs heavy and hard to move. Louis smiles gently at him and Liam notices his eyes are red rimmed as well, as if he's been crying, Louis rests a hand on Liam's knee before he speaks, “after I talked to Harry, I made some calls, some arrangements, the rest of management agree with me, that you need to be with Zayn at least for now, so the tour and all your other appearances have been postponed indefinitely” Louis starts. Liam wants to protest, but he's grateful at the same time so he doesn't say anything, “also your private jet is being refuelled and checked over as we speak, and should be ready to go, by the time we get to the airport. Josh and Perrie are coming with us, everyone else has agreed to stay back” Louis continues, and Liam just nods, it's all he can make himself do. Louis suddenly pulls him back into his arms, “I'm so sorry Li, I really am. But Zayn's ok, he's gonna be ok” he murmurs pressing a friendly kiss to his cheek. Liam manages a smile but it's forced and he knows Louis knows it, “he's in a coma, Lou” he says stonily. Louis frowns but doesn't say anything else and Liam knows, somewhere in the back of his mind that he's not being fair, that Louis is trying to help him, but he can't bring himself to accept it, not until he at least sees Zayn for himself.

He stays in Louis' room for another ten minutes, staring silently at the wall after that, before he forces himself to go back to his room, to get his things so they can get to the airport and he can get to Zayn. When he gets there his suitcases and backpack are gone, all that's left are his shoes, jacket and phone, he thinks for a second that it isn't right, but figures Jim was probably here and took his things to the car for him. So he slips on his shoes and jacket shoving his phone into his pocket and woodenly heads back out into the hall, where he sees Perrie leaning up against the wall, it's clear from far away that she's crying. Liam crosses over to her in three large steps and pulls her into a hug, “you alright?” he manages to ask and feels her nod her head, her blonde hair tickling his neck, “yea, I just, who would do this to Zayn?” she sniffles. Liam sighs and pulls away from the hug, shaking his head, “someone with a death wish” he mutters, “c'mon, let's go downstairs” he adds, heading towards the elevators. Perrie immediately follows him, and they ride down in complete silence, Liam pulls out his phone and stares at his lock screen, it's a picture of him and Zayn asleep, on the floor, Louis took it, and it's one of his favourites, you can barely see him, but you can really see Zayn and he looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Liam feels the tears starting again, and he can't do anything to stop them, his whole body starts to shake with the force of his sobs and he slides down the elevator wall to the floor, where he just curls in on himself as he cries.

Liam's vaguely aware of the elevator doors opening and somebody saying his name, but he can't bring himself to look up, to stand up, anything. Louis' suddenly there beside him, wrapping his deceptively strong arms around Liam and hauling him to his feet, where he then tucks him against his chest. Louis' stroking his hair with one hand the other firmly holding Liam up, “you can't do this, not here popstar. There's too many people, let me get you into the car, yeah?” Louis murmurs, his voice soothing, the way he used to speak to Liam when he was getting the snot kicked out of him by his bullies on the playground. Liam manages a nod before he rubs at his face, and forces himself to breathe deeply, once he's calmer he pulls away from Louis, “thanks Lou” he mumbles, Louis just nods in response. Louis keeps one arm around Liam, even as Jim and Alec, along with two other members of security arrive to escort them all out, Liam just let's himself be taken to the car, barely helping in any way, other than (kind of) moving his feet.

Once they're all safely in the car, Liam turns to Louis, who still has one arm around him, and he's grateful for him, he always is, but today he's glad it's Louis and him. “I need him Lou, he has to be ok” he mumbles. Liam hears Josh make a noise across the car, and Perrie coo quietly, Louis smiles at him “he will be Li, he needs you too. We'll get you there” he says reassuringly. Liam wants to believe him, wants to accept that Zayn will be just fine, but he can't not until he sees him for himself, touches him, anything really. Liam glances over at Josh who's face is blank, “how's Niall?” he asks, and Josh shrugs, shaking his head, “he's pissed at the world, but he's hanging in there” he murmurs. Liam chews his lips for a second and nods because he's not the only one hurting here, and he knows that, has known it all along, but couldn't bring himself to worry about the others before now. Liam turns to look at Louis again, “and Harry?” he asks Louis shakes his head, “he's holding on, but he's a wreck. He saw it happen out their window. Rode in the ambulance, I don't think he's as ok as he says he is to be honest” Louis answers. Liam nods and squeezes his best friend's hand, it's all he can do really, he doesn't know what else to say.

Once at the airport, Jim speaks to their security and Liam, Louis, Perrie, and Josh are lead in through a back door, everyone agreed Liam running into fans right now wouldn't be a good thing. The news hasn't reported the accident yet, so the fans have no idea what's happened, just that Liam is going home due to a personal emergency. The statement management released being informative enough, but completely vague at the same time. Liam's grateful for it really, he needs to process what's happened before he deals with telling the fans about it, he knows they'll find out soon but he's glad he has some time to deal with it first. The plane isn't quite ready to fly yet, so Liam pulls out his phone to call his mum, he needs her right now and knows she'll want to know about Zayn. The phone rings four times before she answers “hello?” she asks, her voice instantly soothing Liam just a little. “Mum” he croaks, and hears her coo “Liam, baby what's wrong?” she asks concern lacing every word. Liam lets out a shaky breath, “uh, it's Zayn” he mumbles, when his mum doesn't say anything he continues, “there was an accident, he was walking home and someone ran him over in the street” Liam says quickly. Liam's forcing himself to breathe steadily, refuses to let himself cry again. “Oh goodness” his mum whispers, and he can hear the tears in her voice, “is he, going to be alright?” she asks with a sniffle. Liam chews on his lip, “I don't know mum, he's in a coma, a lot of injuries, but I'm on my way there now” he murmurs, afraid if he speaks any louder he'll break again.

Karen is silent except for a few sobs, that break Liam's heart a little, and he wishes he could hug his mum tightly, “do you need me to come too?” she asks finally. Liam closes his eyes as he thinks, would it be completely horrible of him to ask his mum to come stay with him for awhile? Just While Zayn's still unconscious, he lets out a breath, “yea, mum. Please?” he finally manages and hears her sniffle again. “Alright” Karen says slowly, “I'll be there in the morning, yeah?” she asks. Liam nods his head before he answers “yeah mum, thank you” he mumbles. Karen lets out a watery chuckle “no need to thank me, I'm your mum and I could tell you needed me. But I knew you wouldn't ask me yourself” she almost scolds. Liam bites his lip, but before he can say anything she's speaking again, “I love you Liam, and I love Zayn too he makes you happier than I've ever seen you. Hang in there, baby, he'll be alright, he's a fighter, that boy” Karen says quietly. Liam can't stop the tears then, “thanks Mum, I love you too” he mumbles, “I'll see you tomorrow, yea?” he asks, hoping to get off the phone before he breaks down completely again, “yeah tomorrow” Karen answers “bye Mum” Liam mumbles. “Bye LiLi” his mum answers, before she disconnects, and he shoves his phone back into his pocket, turning away from the wall he was facing to call, to find Louis right there, arms out waiting for Liam. Liam gives him a watery smile and collapses into his best friend's arms for what feels like the hundredth time that day.

Louis just hugs Liam for a few minutes “the plane's ready” he finally murmurs in that same soothing tone from before, Liam nods and pulls away from his friend. “Thank you, for everything Lou, I don't think I could have done this with anybody else” he says honestly. Louis smiles and Liam can see a faint blush on his cheeks, “don't thank me Li, I'm just doing what I can, to help you with this, we all are” Louis answers quietly. “Now c'mon let's get you to your boy” Louis adds, grabbing Liam's wrist and tugging him gently to board the plane. Once on Liam sees Perrie and Josh sitting together, and Jim and Alec sprawled across the couches, he smiles slightly at them, and feels a little bad, everyone just did this flight and now they're doing it again, at least it isn't a long one. Liam let's Louis push him into a seat, before he flops down beside him, “you'll be there soon Li, try to get some rest” he says quietly. Liam nods and rests his head on Louis shoulder, closing his eyes, but he knows it will be impossible for him to actually sleep, although he is enjoying the warmth and comfort Louis' providing him. As the plane takes off Liam can't help but drift off when Louis starts mumbling stupid, silly, soothing, distracting things in his ear, and he's never been more grateful for his best friend. 
A/N: Poor Liam, I made myself sad with this one...

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